Chapter 11 - Of Royals and cheaters

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"Agatha" She snuggled deeper into the pillows, "Agatha!" The dream was too good to be pulled away from. "Agathaaaaaaaaaaaa!" She felt someone shaking her gently, then vigorously, and she opened her eyes. "Whaaaaat?"

Tedros kissed her head lightly, "I know I've apologized 1000 times already, but I'm so sorry for acting the way I did. I love you." She laughed, "hey, Tedros its ok. I know you are sorry." She could just about make out the faint outline of his head and body in the darkness, "I know, but I don't deserve your forgiveness..." The way he trailed off, and cocked his head slightly to the side made Agatha worry, "is there something you aren't telling me, Tedros? We promised each other we wouldn't keep secrets anymore, remember?" Tedros hesitated, momentarily, but that set Agatha off on a worry rollercoaster. Eventually, Tedros shook his haloed head and mustered a, "no."

Agatha woke up to sunlight filtering into her room, and her stewardess Cecile clapping her hands and saying all too cheerily for the time of morning, "Spit spot! Your highnesses, time to get up! King Tedros, your majesty," she addressed a groaning Tedros, "You ought not be in here! You have an important day ahead!" Tedros mumbled something and rolled over, leaving Agatha to shake him awake again, "wasn't Queen Jacinda due to arrive for that rescheduled meeting today?" Tedros bolted up right and smacked his head before groaning, "ughhhhh I totally forgot about that..." He collapsed back onto the bed and groaned again, before muttering a bunch of words Agatha wouldn't repeat.

"Your highness, please, the Queen needs to get ready! Her maids are waiting outside, and yours outside your room." Tedros grumbled, "for the last time, Cecile, I can dress myself." He got out of Agatha's bed and left the room, but not before turning to Agatha and smiling sadly. Something was up with him.

Maids fitted her into a tight lace dress, that was gold and blue (apparently it was to represent the Camelot Colours to the 'Royal visitor') and Agatha was surprised she could still move it was so tight. Her hair was done in a formal knot on the back of her head, and her makeup simple, yet regal. After fighting with her maids over how much contour they were putting on, Cecile re-entered the room holding a glass case.

"What's that?" Agatha brushed away another maid with a blender in hand as she moved towards her Stewardess. Cecile opened the container, which made a satisfying click, and revealed a golden tiara with a blue gem sparkling in the centre. Agatha gasped, "am I wearing that?" Cecile nodded. "God, Sophie would be jealous." Cecile ignored the comment, and proceeded to slot the tiara into her tightly pulled back hair, and when Agatha looked in the mirror, she was taken back. Beauty certainly wasn't her thing, but every now and again she would dress like this, and she would be mesmerized by the way she looked. She soon realised how arrogant it must look to Cecile and the maids standing around her, so she turned away and muttered an apology. "I won't have any of that, your highness, beauty is fleeting, I see no reason to not enjoy it while it lasts." Cecile clasped her hands together, and the maids nodded in agreement, and then one said, "now will you let me finish the contour, your 'ighness?"

Tedros's POV:

He hated himself for lying to Agatha, he did. He didn't do it because he was scared of Sophie's wrath, but because something about the way she talked to him, the way she made everything about her, the way she always got what she wanted, was addictive. He wanted more. After so many years, Tedros was ashamed to admit that he was once again gaining feelings for Sophie of Woods Beyond. He would never deny his love for Agatha, never. She was, and always will be, his true love, but when he looked at Sophie he often wondered, what if things went the other way?

He slouched in his throne and tugged on his collar, deep in thought, that was until the guards announced Agatha's arrival. His normally clumsy Queen glided down the stairs gracefully, and if it was possible to fall in love with someone twice, he would have. His Queen turned to him and smiled shyly, and he rose from the throne to get her. After striding across the throne room, he took her gloved hand in his and guided her to her seat, his eyes never wandering from her. "You look beautiful." He whispered, and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears. Agatha smiled, "don't get used to it."

Agatha's POV:

The meeting with Queen Jacinda went smooth, Agatha never once broke the regal facade, neither did Tedros. She had waved goodbye to him, grateful for what little time she had gotten to spend with the busy King, before she was practically dragged upstairs by Cecile. "I feel like that went well" Agatha changed into her comfy black jumper and jeans, and very carefully giving Cecile the tiara that she shouldn't be allowed to have, before collapsing onto her freshly made bed. "Don't get too comfortable yet your highness" Cecile locked the case with the tiara in, "You have another visitor." "What? Who?" Agatha groaned despite herself, she was looking forward to some downtime. "Agatha, we need to talk." In the doorway, stood none other than Hort of Bloodbrook, "I think something is going on between Tedros and Sophie."


A/N: Two chapters today because I had a sudden rush of inspiration! This part is one of my longer ones with around 930 words (not including this little note). I hope you like the cliff hanger, this story is finally getting somewhere. I'll try to update as soon as I can because I'm excited to continue writing this myself. Anyway, a little reminder that ily all so much, and thank you so much for reading! <3

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