Chapter 9 - Dinner, incompetent partners, and plotters

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The following days went smoothly, and Tedros and Sophie's plan was working perfectly. Hort begged Sophie for forgiveness on the soup incident, and Agatha was clueless about the events in the pub.

"Sophieeeeee" Hort cried from the lower floor of the house, "you saw what happened last time I made dinner, can you help?" Sophie couldn't help but giggle at her immature and innocent fiance, and Agatha who was sitting next to her found it just as amusing, "If Tedros ever had to cook, we would all be doomed. They are all the same, husbands." Agatha and Tedros had made up, and Sophie could swear she hadn't stopped grinning for days. She smiled, "are you going to help me make dinner? I'm sure Callis taught you a trick or two." Agatha bowed her head at the mention of her adoptive Mother, "she did, and what sort of daughter would I be if I didn't continue the family legacy." She perked up, "I think 'family legacy' is a stretch, Aggie, but yes." With that, the two best friends hurried downstairs to find Hort and Tedros leaning over the pot trying to figure out how it works, "you light it" Agatha smirked, "not the brightest, are we?" Sophie chuckled.

"This is the first time we have had a meal together here in a while, thank you for inviting us Sophie." Tedros gave his most convincing smile, and Sophie waved off the show of gratitude, "not at all Teddy! You know how much I love posing as a hostess."
"Well Sophie, you do make a fine hostess" Agatha smiled, "and you a fine host, Hort." Hort nodded before mumbling, "Soph does most of the work anyway, don't thank me" he reached over and squeezed Sophie's hand. Sophie smiled and laced her fingers between his.

"Dinner was amazing" Tedros rubbed his stomach, "seriously, you two need to teach me sometime!"
"If we did that, you would end up burning the building down, Tedros" Agatha patted his hand and mumbled something about it being late. "How about you and Tedros stay here tonight Aggie? It is, as you said, getting very dark."
"You wouldn't mind?" Tedros chipped in. "Of course not!" Sophie rested her hand on Hort's, "I speak for both of us when I say we would love your company."

The two couples talked for a little while longer, before Agatha exused herself to bed. Hort followed not long after, and inquiried when Tedros and Sophie would follow. "I'll be up soon Hort, I promise. Go to bed and don't wait up, love you honey." She kissed him on the cheek and Hort mumbled, "night" to Tedros before trudging off up the stairs.

"We need to talk" Tedros cornered Sophie off, "we talked about everything there was to talk about Teddy."
"Don't 'Teddy' me."
"You've never reacted to me calling you Teddy before!"
"This is serious Sophie!"
"Fine, Tedros, is that better?"
They trailed off, and stood in silence for a moment. "Well, seeing as there obviously isn't anything here to discuss, I'll be off-"
"Oh no you don't" Tedros pulled a retreating Sophie back, "Sophie, I can't do this. I really can't, the guilt has been eating away at my insides since we were at the pub and I can't not tell them for much longer..."
"Tedros, if you tell them you will be destroying my relationship too, I do not give consent. Plus, if you can't live with the guilt of not telling them, how could you live with the guilt of breaking me?" Sophie played her cards wisely to mess with his head, and it worked, "I err, I don't know! But I can't live like this. We need to do something..."
"And we will, patience is a virtue Tedros. We'll make it up to them, make them feel like the luckiest people in the world. They just won't know why they are being spoilt with goods."
Tedros nodded slowly, "Ok" he looked down and Sophie lifted his chin, "hey, it's going to be ok." She searched his crystal blue eyes. "We'll get out of this." Tedros looked deep into her green eyes, the colour of emeralds, and saw hints of something that looked like affection. "Sophie?"
"Are you truly happy?"
The question hit hard, and it was obvious in the way she hesitated, but none the less, she smiled and said a bit too cheerily, "of course!" With that, she walked off. "I'm going to bed." She stopped a moment, then turned to him, back in hostess Sophie mode. "Get us if you need anything. Goodnight Tedros." She walked away, heels audibly clicking off the wooded stairwell as she ascended, leaving Tedros alone with his thoughts. "Goodnight" he whispered, after she had gone.


A/N: Just to let anyone know who doesn't, I give updates about what I'm planning and when about this fanfiction on my profile, by all means ask a question on there or check in and see if I've given any updates once in a while! Also, thank you so much to everyone who has supported me so far, I truly appreciate all the support, and I hope my unextensive writing skills do suffice, because I'm eternally grateful to all of you. Love you all so much <3

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