Alternative ending

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Sooo I had a few comments asking for Tophie to be endgame, and whilst I prefer Tagatha by far, I thought I would do an alternative ending for my Tophie shippers, as I realise how few people actually ship this and how rare it is to come across any Tophie content. I can't promise it will be good but this is my thank you for reading chapter for you.

Also, please note, this starts kind of in the middle of chapter 15 and just branches off in a different direction lmaoo

"Run away with me Teddy, we won't have anymore responsibilities or expectations, we can just be us. We can go wherever, do whatever..."

Sophie clutched Tedros' hand in hers, the King didn't pull away, but he didn't reciprocate either.

Everything was ruined.

The girl in front of him was the only thing he had left, he couldn't seem to get rid of her. He didn't know why he had been blaming her for it, she was in the same situation as him.

"Sophie, kiss me."

Tedros' crystal blue eyes pierced into her jade ones.

Taken back, Sophie gaped at him, "Teddy I- Why?"

"I just want to try something." Tedros answered bluntly.

Sophie nodded, and the beautiful girl leaned in, Tedros closed his eyes and waited anxiously.

"What exactly are we doing here, Teddy?"

Tedros opened his eyes to see Sophie staring at him, having stopped only inches from his face.

He didn't answer, so she continued.

"What is our relationship? You never answered my question, you know? Do you want to run away with me or not?"

Tedros still didn't answer.

Sophie pulled back, "Until you give me a straight answer, I am not doing anything with you Teddy." Tedros looked at her and sighed, "We only have each other left, Sophie."

She looked at him, the realisation that she had lost the two people she loved most forever hitting her like a brick.

"Kiss me, Sophie." Tedros whispered, clearly holding back tears. Sophie leant in, and this time she did not hesitate. She kissed him softly on the lips, and he kissed her back. She released after a few seconds.

"Well?" Sophie asked, trying to distract from the prickling sensation and threatening of tears. Tedros took a shaky breath, "I just don't know what to do."

"The offer still stands, Teddy, run away with me."

Sophie took his hand; he said nothing but didn't object. She squeezed his palm, "We'll start over, two true loves: One good, one evil."

Tedros looked at her, and folded his limp hand around hers. "I was never fit to be a King, Sophie."

Sophie turned, and pulled him with her. The two started walking down the seemingly never ending path out of Camelot, hand in hand, neither one saying a word.

The pair walked towards the hazy dusk sky, not knowing where they were headed, or what they would do, they just knew all they had was each other.

A new beginning.

A/N: THIS WAS SO BAD IM SORRY LMAO it feels so unnatural I know and I struggled writing it so much but like have it and know that OFFICIALLY I am not releasing any new chapters after this. But, if you enjoyed this fanfiction please consider following me and voting, it means so so much. Tysm for reading, whoever sees this, and I hope you have an amazing day/night. Ily all sm! <3

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