Ending - Tagatha

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Tagatha POV:

Everything happened so fast: one second him and Sophie were talking, the next Hort was confessing his undieing love for her, the next they were re-engaged.

Nonetheless he was happy for them, but as the newly reunited couple kissed he couldn't help but feel the bundle of emotions inside of him knawing away.


The voice was so familiar and comforting, the voice he loved so much, the voice that could save him from his pit of despair.


He turned to his once Queen, she stood there, heartbreak etched into her features and tears streaming down her cheeks, but a reluctance and anger in her eyes that was undeniable.

"I'm so sorry, Agatha." Tedros fought the urge to run to her, "Nothing I ever say will make this situation better, no amount of flowers or treats or kisses can make it go away... but Agatha, I love you so much. I'm praying that one day you will find it in your heart to forgive me, that may take weeks or months or years but I don't care."

Tedros inhaled, catching his breath. Agatha stared at him, and held out the wedding ring and engagement ring he had taken off, "Tedros, you're the one who took these off, were you not?"

He nodded, "Yes."

"So, why is it that now you are practically groveling at my feet?" Agatha somehow managed to keep the trembling out of her voice as she said it, but she was moments away from bursting into tears.

"A lot can change in the space of a few minutes." Tedros dipped his head, Agatha looked to Hort and Sophie who were hand in hand, proof of his words genuinity.

"I see. So, you don't want to divorce me?" Agatha tried to keep the longing out of her voice, but the emotions were practically overflowing, Tedros seemed to sense this as he looked up at her with such intensity and passion that she thought she might burst.

"No. If you're willing to give a wretch like me another chance, then I would like nothing more than to stay your husband."

Tedros took a chance and walked over to her, taking her silence as a sign he should continue. He approached her slowly, the emotions on her face had became hard to read, she had once again steeled her expression to lock away any ounce of longing or sympathy or forgiveness, so Tedros could only hope he wasn't pushing his luck again.

"Agatha, I love you. I will never stop loving you, please see that." Tedros whispered after he has stopped in front of her.

Agatha flung her arms around him.

"I love you too, so much." She muttered into his chest, Tedros held her tight, not letting his shock ruin the opportunity.

"Tedros, these wounds are going to take a long time to heal and I'm not ready to forgive you yet, but I am most certainly not letting you go."

Tedros nodded into her hair, "I understand. Does this mean you're going to stay?" Agatha looked up at him and smiled, "I am."

He kissed her passionately, she cupped her hand around his cheek.

"Just so you know, you owe me big time." Agatha mumbled as they pulled away, a grin plastered on her face.

"Anything, milady." Tedros wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek.


A/N: Well, I was reading through this fanfiction and I thought screw it, lets right an ending in Tagatha's POV. I realised that I never actually said what happened to Tedros and Agatha and kind of left it to readers imagination, and I think this way makes everyone happier: A Tagatha chapter to finish off an (ultimately) Tagatha story. Sorry it has taken so long, and I'm thinking I will do one final part after this, an alternate ending, which shows what would happen if Tophie had prevailed. Now, I'm not sure how happy I am with this chapter and apologies for the fact its quite short, but it was just something to round it off.

Another thing: I genuinely wasn't expecting for this fanfiction to reach as many people as it did, I know it isn't loads and loads of people but it still shocked me, considering how inconsistent my updates were, so thank you so much.

Anyhow, have a good day/night and ily <33

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