Chapter 14 - Confessions

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Agatha's POV:

Good with good,
Evil with evil.

Once again, Agatha was finding that things weren't as simple as this. The line between good and evil was thin, and one step out of line, and good becomes evil, evil becomes good.

Was there any good and evil at all? Was there just people being people?

"We need to talk, all of us."
Tedros fumbled for words, Sophie pushed him out the way, "Yes, yes we do Agatha."

Sophie was using her real name, another telling sign that something was up.

Hort pulled out a chair for Agatha at the dining table, and she reluctantly sat. Hort then sat next to her, and they awkwardly faced a fidgety Tedros and Sophie.

Agatha took a deep breath, "I think you both know what we need to discuss-"
"I'm sorry Agatha." Tedros blurted, slamming his fists against the wood table, Agatha was taken back, but she wasn't going to let the opportunity slip. "Sorry about what, Tedros?"

Sophie was kicking Tedros under the table, a scowl on her pretty face. Tedros ignored her, "Agatha, that night I wasn't in the castle- Owch! Goddamnit Sophie!"
"We were actually drinking, at the local pub." Sophie finished bluntly.

Agatha turned to Sophie, "Let Tedros speak, once he has said his piece, then you can say your version of events." Sophie fumbled for an excuse, "But... But he was too drunk to remember anything! I was the one who remained somewhat sober, my version of events is the most accurate-"
"WE CHEATED!" Tedros boomed, over Sophie's rambling, causing everyone to fall silent. "Me and Sophie cheated on you two, at the pub. We were drunk and one thing lead to another..."
Hort nodded his head, "are you so disloyal that you weren't even going to admit to this, Sophie?" Sophie, dumbstruck, remained silent.
Tedros looked at Agatha in the eyes, "You know I love you, Agatha." Agatha erupted, "You love me? You don't even talk to me half of the time. Then without warning you run away, leaving everyone to worry about you, and cheat on me with my best friend! Don't give me that-"
"I KNOW WHAT I DID AGATHA!" Agatha fell silent, and watched Tedros, "That's why I'm doing this..." He slid his golden wedding ring off, followed by his diamond encrusted engagement ring. "You deserve better than me Agatha." Tedros placed the rings down in front of her, "and Sophie? If you know what's best for you and Hort, you will do the same." With this, he got up and left, leaving everyone frozen in shock.

Agatha sat there for a moment, at loss for words. Eventually she mustered, "Did I just get divorced?"


A/N: Shorter chapter, but A MASSIVE plot point. We are getting near the end, I can't believe it. Everyone who has supported me so far, thank you so much! I appreciate you all, and I don't see why I deserve this, but again, thank you, and I will  shout you all out when I finish this as a token of my gratitude, I suppose. Sorry again for how inconsistent my updates are, and if you are reading this you probably read about how I'm going to discontinue the hestadil chapters and probably make them into an entirely separate fanfiction, once I'm finished this one, so sorry about that, but I feel like most people come here for the hophie, tophie and tagatha drama anyway (I would too hehe).
Again, thank you all so, so much!
Ily all <3

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