Chapter 8 - Truth or deceit?

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Agatha rushed over to a tired looking Tedros and Sophie, her worries for her best friend and husband washing away her anger. She flung her arms around Tedros and squeezed Sophie's hand, but neither responded, Sophie's hand stayed limp in hers and Tedros's arms remained by his side. "What happened?" She asked, pulling away. The guards who had escorted them had stepped back, and were pretending not to listen as they covered for them, and Agatha was sure she saw one give her a sympathetic look. "Tedros?" Agatha asked again. He looked away with a pained expression and she took his hand, "it's ok, you can tell me. You can tell me anything." She smiled at him, hoping to sooth his nerves, but it only made it worse, "not this..." His eyes filled with tears but he blinked them away, "Agatha I-" He was cut off by Sophie, "lost track of time, and fell asleep on a park bench. He was so guilty about worrying you..." Sophie trailed off and stared into space. "You have a good husband Aggie, forgive him." Tedros shot a surprised glance at Sophie, but nodded, "I'm sorry, Agatha, I won't run off like that again." Agatha chucked despite herself, feeling a weight being lifted off her chest. "Oh! I thought it was going to be so much worse! Tedros you had me worried, but I forgive you." Agatha kissed the golden haired king lightly on the cheek and hugged Sophie before whispering, "hey, I haven't seen you in ages, I want all the updates on you and Hort later." Agatha could feel Sophie smiling, "obviously Aggie." Agatha pulled away, and let her happy mood filter into her speech as she said, "how about we invite Hort over and you can both dine with me and Tedros tonight?" Sophie nodded, "we would love that."

"What are you doing?" Tedros cornered Sophie off when Agatha had left, "you know full well I intended to tell her the truth!" Sophie clamped her eyes shut, "I still have a witch in me Teddy, I always will. But I finally have happiness and I'm not letting some stupid mistake we made ruin it." Tedros started pacing and she watched him, jade eyes showing no signs of caving in. "You don't get it Sophie! I can't live with the guilt of what we did, I-" Sophie pinned him against the wall, "let me rephrase, we will not, under any circumstances, tell Agatha and Hort what we did last night. Only a fool would own up to such a deed when it costs them everything, I'm many things but I'm not a fool, Tedros, and I don't think you are either. So, we make a deal, we never mention this to anyone ever, or I will not hesitate to destroy everything you have ever known and loved. Are we understanding each other now?" Tedros bowed his head, "I suppose, but you promise me something"
"go on"
"Treat me with the same respect you would any other King from now on."
With that, Tedros shoved past her and chased after Agatha, Sophie watched him go, "this could get interesting..."


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