3. Hazel Parker...will you?

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People in high school always needed a topic to gossip about and after being the first girl whom the all-famous star basketball player Edward Windsor ever liked, I was their new topic. The moment I stepped into school I had to face all the glares and inaudible movements of lips that didn't care about this newbie until yesterday. But what happened was just a drop there was still a lot left to happen.

I shut the locker after stuffing books inside and turned around and saw him leaning against the locker with his hands stuffed in his pocket carrying his usual fascinating smirk.



"Rumors have it" he took a few steps closer to me "that you ...like me!?" he forced an act of assumption while the way his lips quirked up showed that it was more of a fact than a question.

"Well...one should not believe rumors, they are just rumors mostly" I folded my arms and gave a half smile.

"I believe you!!... That's why I'm here to confirm it."

I pouted so that I could hide the smile after hearing it. There was no lie in that rumor even if I wanted to deny it the way I blushed in front of everyone at the game made it clear how I see him moreover the person I like is right here in front of me looking me straight in the eyes and asking whether I like him or not, I had no will power to say no to him.

"Yes... I do like you"

His cheeks turned scarlet as he heard those words, he was blushing so hard that he looked away to hide his grin and when he looked at me again, his eyes said he was dying to grab me into a kiss but then he took a few steps back. I frowned. Was he leaving ...just like that without saying anything? Then he began to bend on his knees.

'Oh my god Ed...What are you doing?" my eyes blurted out realizing what he was going to do. I gestured my hands to stop him from doing so but it was too late. He was already on his knees, in the middle of the hallway, everyone stopped where they were and all the eyes darted upon us.

"Hazel Parker" he boomed and the corridor went silent "I love you. Will you be my girlfriend? "And he extended a hand.

Seriously? I love you, he already loves me no like no attraction. Straight to love. That's huge and that too here.... in front of everyone... In the cheesiest way possible...Without giving a damn about what anyone will think he asked me the question that I never got time to think about... Girlfriend? A relationship? Am I ready to be in a relationship? I don't think so. But do I like Ed? Hell yes!! I want to be with him. I don't know what it takes to be in a relationship but if the relationship is what it takes to be with Ed maybe I'm ready to take the risk.

I came out of my world of thoughts and realized seconds passed and everyone was still looking at us with curiosity moreover Ed was on his knees with a scared look thinking I might reject him and that too in front of everyone. I felt for him so much that even if I have second thoughts about a relationship I can never say no to him and hurt him with so many eyes fixated on us.

"Yes!" I mumbled.

Everyone was still in their paused version including Ed.

I gave my hand into his. "Yes!" I said again in a loud voice this time.

Ed let out his breath in relief and everyone began hooting. He stood on his feet holding my hand "You almost scared me."

"I scared the boy who is not scared to propose to me in front of everyone...seriously?" I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer "That's nothing ....I am so in love with you that I want to scream it to the world" he said wrapping his hands around my cheeks and looking at me with a warmth in his eyes that made my heart to believe in every word he said made me believe that maybe he is the one maybe this is forever.

He lowered his head and pressed his lips into mine. After gazing at those pink lips whenever I saw them it was for the first time I got to experience how soft and luscious they felt the mint essence they carried made me forget about all the whooping, whistles, and cheering in the background, my fingers made its way into his neck and all I wanted was to stop the time there, but somewhere in my head the thought of us being in middle of hallway clicked and I pulled myself out of the kiss gently. He smiled at me and pressed a small peck on my forehead.

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