#27: Infinaite: The Avengers

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First Impressions

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First Impressions

The Cover: The cover is bright, brilliant and eye catching. It has the Avengers logo on it which makes it clear that this is an Avengers fanfiction. It's a stunning cover that could easily be used as a promotional poster for a film or something.

The blurb; on the other hand, is a little bit vague in my opinion. IN WHICH THE WORLD WAS WIDE ENOUGH for a man out of his time and a girl out of her universe, and now History, has its eyes on both of them.
Unfortunately it doesn't really make a lot of sense.

The Introduction reads like a monologue in a superhero film. I know this is a fanfiction about the characters within that film but a fictional story should read like a fictional story in my opinion.
I'm not sure if you've read any of my reviews before but I am not stuck on cast lists within stories. I think they are a little bit silly, as fictional characters are usually figments of someone's imagination and should be described throughout the story instead of having photographs or gifs plastered in the pages. I understand this is fan fiction, but surely the fans of the Avengers know who the characters are and what they look like?

I'm not usually a fan of prologues as most of them aren't really needed. Although I am not sure whether or not that's the case with this one at the moment, I will admit the first paragraph contains a really good, strong hook. The sentence about the wind carrying a chill that trembled your character's spine, is the perfect start to the story. It immediately makes me, as a reader, wonder what's going on here.
I think there are better ways to describe a character rather than calling someone a 'Liverpool Brit.' People from the U.K. do not like being called a 'Brit', and I should know, as I am from the U.K.

Now I will warn you, although I've heard of the Avengers, I know it's a film based on the comics, but it's not one I have seen or have read, so I'm a little unfamiliar with the fandom. For someone who doesn't know this as well as most of your other readers, the characters named here are coming across as a little bit random for my liking.

I can't help but feel as if I have literally just been dropped from a helicopter straight in the story. I'm more than a little bit confused as to who most of these people are. I mean everyone knows who BatMan and Clark Kent are, but Darkseid (is that a typo?) and Trigon, kinda confuse me.

I think this story is more suitable to proper fans of the comics and the films, but for someone who isn't as familiar with it as other readers, I do find it rather confusing and not tailored to insiders.

I think fan fictions would perhaps be taken a little bit more seriously if they were opened up for new readers to read, instead of being tailored for just that particular fandom.

Unfortunately I am too confused with what's happening with this story, to read beyond the prologue.

This is a very well written book that has clearly been written especially for the Avengers fandom. This being said, for those who aren't familiar with this, I feel, like me, they would be a little bit confused with who these characters are and what they are.

There are a lot of book clubs and writing communities on Wattpad who would love a writer as good as you to join them. I'm just sorry your book wasn't for me, but I'm sure fans will love it.

624 words



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