Chapter One

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I bit my lip and pulled back my shoulders. I kept my eyes level and clenched my hands together. I looked up into the eyes of my father who had a hand on my shoulder. His fingers started to dig into my shoulders and I found my mother's eyes watching me. I keep eye contact with her until the silence is too much and I have to meet his eyes.

"You will be a good wife." He let go of me and moved back to my mother. I looked at everyone and swallowed then bowed.

"I'll miss you all." I couldn't keep looking at them. It hurt too much. I took the hand of the footman and stepped inside the carriage. He closed the door and the carriage started to move. Taking me away from my home, my family, and my childhood and towards the end of my life.

I cried for nearly an hour. I spent the next hour fixing my makeup. It was a one day journey. I was probably going to be robbed. He was probably going to kill me when I got there anyways. I climbed over and opened up the sliding door to look at the coachman and footman.

"So, you guys go back after you drop me off right?" My voice was still raw from crying and I could tell they knew. The coachman seemed hesitant to answer.

"Yes, we go back." He gripped the reins tighter.

"Oh." I nodded. "Do you know why I couldn't take my lady's maid?"

"That would be because her family is here." He looked at me like I asked something completely unreasonable. I nodded.

"My family is here too." I gripped the wood. "So, what's your family like?"

He looked at me oddly and I waited for him to respond. He spent the next few hours telling me stories about his toddler at home. Soon, I felt like I knew her whole life from birth to what she spilled for breakfast in the morning.

As the day grew darker, the air grew colder and the rain started to pour. Then the wind started to speak to the carriage, it creaked in response. I gripped the curtain rod and held my stomach as nature fought with itself and we were tossed around in the aftermath.

"Your highness!" I heard the coachman shout. I let go of the rod and moved to the opening, rain blew in into the carriage and soaked my face. "The road is closed to your Aunts house! We can't stop for the night! We have to keep going!"

"What if we die?!" I screeched. "The wind is too strong!"

"His castle is just through the mountains!" He shouted back. "We can make it by daybreak!"

"You can try to sleep!" The footman shouted in some sort of attempt to comfort me,

"Sleep?!" I glared at him. "I don't want to sleep through my last day alive!"

"I've been through worse!" The coachman yanked on the reins and the carriage started moving again. They closed the sliding wooden door and I was once again shielded from the rain. I wondered how cold they must be out there in the rain with nothing to cover them. There was the second carriage connected to this one with all my stuff too. This was going to be too heavy for the storm.

Each shake of the carriage got a small shriek from me. Every time the carriage lurched I was sure we were going to topple over a cliff ledge and that would be the moment I died. The coachman had a family to get back to. He couldn't die here.

The final blow came with the screeching of wood and shrieking of horses. The carriage fell and the window shattered. At least we hadn't fallen off a cliff. My head hit the curtain rod and I was sure if it was blood or rain dripping down my face.I pushed open the doors and jumped, pulling myself up and on top of the overturned carriage. The coachman and footman were chasing after the horses, but they were long gone, disappearing into the swirling fog.

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