Chapter Nine

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I woke up and immediately screamed into my pillow. Then I sat up, took a deep breath and practised my smile. I pulled on my dressing gown and tripped on the long train as I went into my sitting room. I stuttered for words when I saw the king pacing back and forth.

"Do you need something?" I asked, pulling my dressing gown tighter around me. He turned to face me, his face hardened with no clear emotion showing.

"I came here to make sure you knew what was expected of you." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll behave." I nodded.

"If you mess this up, it means a lot of trouble for both my land and yours." He warned me.

"I understand." I answered and folded my arms. Suddenly he snapped and came up to me.

"I won't let this go wrong," he growled. "If you do anything-"

"I won't," I promised. He searched my eyes for a moment. Something dangerous crept into him and I backed away. He grabbed my shoulders and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"I don't care why you came here." His nails were digging into me. I wasn't sure if he knew he was hurting or not but I didn't speak up. "If you mess this up I will take away everything you think you have. It won't matter what your father thinks."

I think I preferred the death threats. I swallowed and slowly nodded.

He nodded then left the room. I stared at the place where he had just been standing.

"Monster." I muttered.


"Does it look convincing?" I looked at U-jin. He stood still and watched the approaching guests coming out of their carriages.

"Does what look convincing?" He asked.

"My smile." I smiled at him and he gave me a small grimace and tilted his head from side to side.

"Sure." He winked at me. I glared at him then turned to smile at the approaching royals. I had no clue who most of them were but I greeted them all with a smile. He was supposed to be here with me. I wasn't meant to do this on my own. He's the one who said we messed things up, war would break out.

Then I saw the approaching blue carriages. I gave U-jin a nervous glance and he gave me an encouraging nod. I watched as my family and the rest of the court started piling out of the carriages and stretching their limbs out around them as if they had only just learned what it was to stand.

When I met my father's eyes I felt myself start to shake. I stood straighter and managed to keep a smile on my face. He led the line of nobles up to the palace entrance. He came and put his arms around me. I felt his nails dig into my spine.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"He had some last minute-"

"How do I even call you my daughter? We'll discuss this later." Straight to the point. I looked expectantly for my mother but I didn't see her. Ji-yoo and his wife approached us and I quickly ran up to him.

"Where is my mother?" I asked. He looked away and I moved closer to him. He faked a smile that I immediately saw through.

"Aera..." He put a hand on my shoulder. "Congratulations on your wedding today."

His smile didn't falter as he passed by with this wife. I begged each one of my siblings to tell me where she was but they all managed to escape from me. I tried to maintain my image in front of the nobles but I saw the nervousness in their eyes. Once they were all inside I ran to U-jin.

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