Chapter Thirteen

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I sat on the washroom floor and stared into wolf U-jin's widened, wondering eyes. I held out my hand and he put his paw on it. I grinned.

"Good boy." I smiled and sat up and wagged his tail. "Do you think Mommy is going to get battle scars?"

I gestured to the sewn up wounds on my arms. Wolf U-jin tilted his head and sniffed the box I had told him was his 'potty area'. I guess we'd see how long it took him to figure that out.

"Aera!" I heard Kai shout.

"Be very quiet. You're a surprise." I held my finger to my mouth then walked out of the washroom and into the sitting room. Kai was holding my blood sword and staring at it with a surprising amount of anger for an inanimate object.

"Your majesty." I bowed in a sort of overdramatic way that involved exaggerated arm movement and a smile that showed I wasn't sorry at all. He put the sword down and put his hands on my shoulders turning me to see my two cuts.

"Are you so reckless you can't manage to avoid near death encounters for one day?!" He let go of me.

"I'm keeping the sword." I figured I'd get the hard part out first.

"Unlikely." He picked it up.

"No! I fought for that! I took your advice!" I folded my arms and stared angrily at anything that wasn't him.

"What advice?" He turned the sword in his hands and wiped the blood off on his handkerchief.

"Use anything as a weapon!" I pulled out the bloody hairpin from my pocket. "U-jin gave it back to me. I jabbed it right into the guy's leg and he dropped the sword! I grabbed it and it was so heavy but he ran away like a coward! He knew he couldn't face me!"

"I actually think if I hit you on the head you would get smarter." His eyes kept switching between the sword and my cuts.

"There's several reasons why you should let me keep the sword. For-"

"I won't fall for any of them." He held out his hand for the hairpin.

"No! Listen! You can nail it to the wall!" I pointed to the area I thought it would look good on. "I won't be able to take it down or hurt myself on it! I won't be able to reach it!"

He continued to hold out his hand and I groaned then handed him the pin. His eyes moved to the space on the wall for a moment and I wondered if he would give in. When he looked at me his eyes hardened and he started to leave the room.

"Wait!" I put my hands on the washroom door. "When I was in town, I got you something. You might not like him right away but-"

"Him?" He looked at the door with an expression of near horror. I opened the door.

"Come out!" I called. Wolf U-jin came running out and Kai closed his eyes and pressed his fingers to his temple.

"I've been calling him U-jin but you'll have to come up with a better name for him. I think Snowball might be-"

"You got a dog?" He asked.

"A wolf!" I defended the poor puppy and picked him up. "Wolf U-jin thinks you'll regret not letting me keep the sword."

"You're not keeping the sword." He answered sternly. "You can keep the dog."

"Wolf. And he's yours. You have to name him." I put down wolf U-jin. "Not right now, but soon. Otherwise he'll just pee everywhere. Please, let me keep the sword."

"Aren't I being lenient enough about the dog?" He snapped. I was certainly pushing my luck but I had nothing to lose but my life.

"If you don't let me hang the sword up, I'll hang up a painting!" I shouted. He stare at me for a moment.

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