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That invisible thing that binds us to do things we never would have otherwise. This is what lives on when we are dead. This is what will decide whether we will be seen as a warrior or a villain, a queen or a dictator.

Some people say families were held together by love and compassion, but honour was what bound our family together. I thought I would do anything for them. I thought I could uphold our family's honour and be the daughter my father could look at and be proud of. He would never be proud of me now though.

What he was asking was too much.

Maybe honour was our legacy when we died, but I wasn't ready to die yet. I'd rather live with dishonour and build a legacy some other way then die when I hadn't even lived yet. He'd asked me to show up to every event, he asked me to try to smile and bare it and I had tried. I'd done everything I was asked. I tried never to be the child that disappointed him, or the country for that matter. I knew everything I had was because I was born to serve the country. I had a purpose and most people can't claim that. I should feel grateful. I should not be here to beg him to change his mind. I should turn around and accept it with grace, with honour, but he'll kill me.

I knew the stories about him. If my father made me marry that man, I was as good as dead. He was cruel and there was no description of him that made him seem anything close to human or capable of love. He wanted to marry me off to a monster.

This was my one attempt to save myself.

If he said no, I would do as he said. I would go. I would die.

And for what?


I pressed my head against the cold, hard marble. My eyes adjust to find every spec of dirt on the painted whorls beneath me. My hands were outstretched in front of me and also rested on the floor. The tips of my fingers were going numb from the angle. At least I wasn't shaking. I managed to keep some dignity in my desperation.

"Rise, Aera, my daughter." I held in a sigh of relief and gathered my large skirts as I stood. I slowly lifted my eyes up to my father. "Do you come because of my decree?"

I watched his amused eyes for a moment and wasn't sure if I should answer. I smoothed my dress and my eyes flicked to my mother in the corner of the room speaking with her maid. She met my eyes and nodded.

"I am," I answered softly.

"I understand your concerns, but the war is over." He smiled at me as if that fact alone was supposed to give me comfort.

"Our relationship is strained as it is-"

"And this marriage will make it stronger. You are a key part in showing this treaty is genuine. You should be proud to play such an honourable role not only for your family but for the country." The king stood and I moved to bow again but he held up his hand and I froze. He turned to my mother. I looked at her with a little too much panic showing in my face. I had to learn to hide my emotions better. My face always betrayed me. I was my own worst enemy. She curtsied at his stare. "I know she is your favourite, but you have several other daughters to marry. Be glad that you provided the most beautiful of my daughters. For this you are my wife."

And for that I would be his.

"My only concern, your majesty, is the death of his past wife." She did not betray her emotions. Her face was sculpted into neutrality and peace. That was what made her more beautiful than me. I could be as beautiful as my mother if I could only paint my face into the expressions people wanted to see.

"A very unfortunate event. One we know nothing about." He smiled at her and then at me. "Eun-Jung, please take our daughter and make sure the last of her stuff is packed away. She'll leave at first light."

"Yes-Yes your majesty." She bowed and I quickly followed the movement. She moved to grab my arm but he raised his hand and we froze.

"Leave her here for a moment. I'll send her to you when we're done." He smiled kindly, and she bowed once again and left. I kept my eyes trained on the ground. He smiled at her. That meant- His hand slapped across my face and I trained my eyes on a stone pillar. "Do not ruin this new treaty with your usual foolishness. I am giving you the chance to be the wife of a king. Do not act so high above me. Do not spread poison to your mother about my decisions."

I put a hand on my cheek and nodded slowly, fighting back tears. I wished I could appear stronger than I was. I wished I was stronger. I looked at him and the soft smile that had balanced itself on his face. I hated him. I hated him so much.

"Then sleep well, daughter." He nodded to me. "I will see you on the day of your ceremony. I expect it to be in the next few days. If there are any complications..." He met my eyes and my mouth went dry. "Have a safe journey."

"Thank you." I bowed and left the room as fast I could, running up the staircase to my room. My mother was already crying on the bed and I threw my arms around her. He clutched me tight against her and sobbed into my hair.

"Don't let him hurt you." She hugged me even tighter. "Some people say marriage can bring out the best in people. It changes them."

"Did it change you?" I asked. She smiled and patted my hand.

"It gave me you." She ran her fingers through my hair and gave me a smile that told me this was the end of my life, my freedom, my willpower. A knock sounded on the door and for a moment I froze.

"Come in." I cleared my throat. The door burst open and my brothers and sisters came piling in, tripping on each other. So much for being regal. They all squished in for a hug.

"You're going to die!"

"Shut up! You'll scare her!"

"If he kills you, we'll wage war and avenge you!"

"Don't leave me alone with these people!"

"Why do you never give me attention Mi-Cha!" Mi-Sun started to cry and clung to Mi-Cha. She looked at Mi-Sun with disgust and pushed her off of her. "This is about Aera. Save your clinginess for a day that doesn't end in y."

Mi-Sun turned to me and threw her arms around me. I held her against me and patted her back. Ji-yoo grabbed her hair and took her off of me. I laughed up at him and he grinned.

"Be safe, Area. Find happiness." He nodded. I smiled in return.

"We have to let her get rest!" My mother shouted. "Let's all go. We'll see her off tomorrow! Out! Out!"

She ushered all seven of them out and paused in the doorway. She turned and smiled at me. I held her gaze.

"Just a few more things." She stared down at her hands. "Be friends with the concubines and love their children like your own. Redecorate every time the world is too dark to face. Aera, please learn to hide your emotions. I fear for you."

"I'll be okay." She already knew I was lying but nodded as she closed the door. The room went from packed to empty too soon.

I was on my own.

King of the Darkest Stars (EXO Kai ff)Where stories live. Discover now