Chapter Two

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The seamstress took my measurements first thing in the morning. Yun-hee came back with breakfast and I ate it on my floor. I asked her to join me but she said she had something important to do, so she left. I had no friends here and no one came to tell me anything about the carriage, the coachman, or the footman.

One part of me wanted to go explore the castle, my new home. I was sure there were passages and libraries and other members of the court who were friendly enough to become friends with. Why did this large place feel so empty?

The other part of me was too scared to leave. If I left that meant it was more likely I was going to run into the king. I know it will happen eventually, but I want to have some control over it. I didn't have clothes to leave either. I couldn't just walk around the castle in my robe. However, the long sleeves and train would certainly make for a dramatic entrance. A knock sounded on the door and I got off the ground. I straightened my hair and puffed out my dressing gown, then opened the door.

It was the seamstress with a handful of dresses. She pushed past me and threw the clothes on the bed. I followed her and she motioned for me to take off my clothes. I hesitated.

"Can you get into a corset by yourself?" She asked. I sighed and relented, pulling off the dressing gown and the nightgown and laying them on the bed. Yun-hee came in and started putting all the extra clothes away into the wardrobe. They put me into a dress that was black and gold, surprise surprise. All my clothes were in his colours. I missed the pale blue and white dresses I had from home. I knew eventually I would have dresses in every colour, but these were at least the basics for public events. These were my colours now too.

"The king has told us to get you whatever you need. I've brought some basics." She gestured to Yun-hee who pulled off a bag from around her shoulder. She opened it and put it on the bed. "I've got you cosmetics, make-up, jewelry, hair pins. Whatever else you need, just let me know."

"That's very kind of the king." I smiled at her. "I'll let you know. I don't need much though. I promise I won't be a burden to you."

"Oh nonsense." The seamstress brushed my hair behind my ear and examined my face. "I'm already having so much making you dresses. I'd like to be experimental in style if you don't mind?"

"Of course not. I'm sure whatever you make will be brilliant." She was pleased by this response. I grabbed a pair of earrings and started to hook them into my ears. I looked up at her with interest.

"Who do I need to make friends with first?" I asked. The seamstress seemed surprised by this and thought for a moment.

"The king's sister, Nari." She nodded to herself. "All the other court ladies follow her. If you can make her your friend, you'll be safe."

Safe. That was a very specific word. I nodded and turned to Yun-hee.

"Can we arrange for us to have lunch together? Just the two of us?" I asked.

"You don't want to meet the king?" She hesitated in the doorway.

"I know better than to overstep. He'll ask for me when he wants me." I smiled and she nodded.

"I'll send the message immediately." She scurried out of the room. The seamstress eyed me for a moment.

"Are you afraid to meet him?" She asked. I gripped the blanket underneath my fingers and tried to smile at her.

"I just don't want to overwhelm him. I don't know his character and how he would respond to me forcing my presence upon him." I took the makeup and went to the vanity in the bathroom. She followed me and guided me in how to use everything. I could tell there was more she wanted to say but she held back her tongue. I didn't know whether to be concerned or grateful.

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