Chapter Eighteen

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I sat still and stared at him, my hands outstretched, unsure of what to do. One of my sisters fell into a river once and the guard and pressed on her chest to get the water from her lung out. He'd pressed his mouth to hers and she'd slapped him but he'd claimed you needed to breathe for the unconscious person while they couldn't breathe for themselves. It made sense in a way where I didn't have to completely understand to know I should be doing these things.

Unless that man really was a pervert.

I moved over Kai and pressed down repeatedly on his chest, biting my lip and controlling my much too fast paced breathing. If I was going to breathe for him, I had to breathe normally. I knelt forward and tipped back his chin. I pressed my mouth against his and breathed for him a few times.

His body lurched forward and I screamed and fell backwards. He started spitting up water and clutched his stomach and chest. Could he still not breathe right? Had I not done it properly? Was he going to die again? I moved forward and grabbed his shoulders, moving him to face me. His eyes were downcast and his breath was shaky.

"Are you going to pass out again?" I put my hand on his cheek and felt warmth flooding back into his skin. That was good. His breath still didn't sound normal. "Oh gosh... Okay. What should I do?"

He turned away from me and coughed up more water. His breath started to settle after that. He laid back and kept his hand on his chest, breathing deeply. He closed his eyes and I moved over him.

"Don't die." I warned him. "Open your eyes."

He refused.

"Are you..." I tapped his cheek and he didn't move. No. Not again. I tipped his chin back again and pressed my mouth to his. The moment I did, his eyes flew open. I pulled back immediately and slapped him.

So, I was more like my sister than I thought.

"Hey!" He shouted and sat up. "What was that?!"

"I told you to open your eyes!" I shouted.

"I didn't realise you were going to come onto me if I didn't!" He retorted.

"That's what you're supposed to do when someone is drowning!" I complained. "You were dead! You were cold and you weren't breathing and your heart was beating and I was scared!"

"You? Scared?" He let out a shaky laugh and I hit his shoulder.

"Shut up." I stood up and held out my hand to him. He took it and nearly dragged me down as he stood.

"I figured you'd be happy if I died." He took off his jacket and I became aware of just how see-through his wet white shirt was. I averted my eyes and focused on his face.

"You're the cold one here." I wrung out my hair. "I have no reason to wish death upon you and I don't want anything on my conscience."

"Well, then I'm glad I spared you guilt." He laughed then groaned and clutched his stomach. I had probably bruised something in my attempts to save him. Or maybe he had hurt himself upon impact falling from the waterfall. It wasn't that far of a fall, but it was far enough that odd angling could have hurt him. "Stop that."

"Stop what?" I growled.

"Looking at me like that. I'm not hurt." He pushed himself off of the tree he was leaning on and I rushed over to help him. He grabbed my arm and pushed me against the tree. He couldn't stand right on his own and put his hand on the tree behind me, just above my head.

"I'm not hurt." His eyes were even more furious close up.

"Take a step down, Your Majesty," I grinned up at him, but I was sure my concern was bleeding through. "You were dead. You fell off a waterfall! You can be a little hurt. If it's your pride you're worried about, I'll keep it to myself."

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