Chapter Eight

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U-jin tried to take my hairpin a few times while we were walking, but I managed to dodge him and slip into the dining room. Armed and ready. The king was already seething when I got there. If the food was poisoned it was poisoned.

I sat down and started eating.

This time it wasn't him who was eating. He was staring at me. Some part of me felt incredibly smug with myself. I was amused. He thought I was wounded beneath the long sleeve I was wearing, when really it was a much crueler stain. I wondered when would be a good time to show him my painting.

Maybe I'd hang it up in my bedroom, so whenever he went on a rampage he would find it and realise the monster I saw him as. He hadn't hit me yet and part of me was relieved but the other half was constantly waiting in anticipation and just wanting to get it over with so I could know what to expect for the future.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

"Maybe, I had a good day." I shot back. He clutched his chopstick so hard one of them snapped in his grasp. A nervous laugh escaped me and I covered my mouth.

"Excuse me." I really was afraid. I didn't know why I laughed.

"Do you think this is a joke?!" I held my rice bowl in place in case he decided to flip the table. I didn't answer and continued to eat. Silence seemed to be my best way of avoiding conflict. "Well?!"

So, he wanted me to talk now? I couldn't keep up with him.

"Your Majesty if I have done something to upset you-" He flipped his rice bowl off the table. Two nights in a row. I ate the last bite of my food as he came marching towards me. I quickly drank down the content of my goblet, then stood up, still clutching it in my hands. I moved away from him. I backed up and tripped backwards on the curtains of the window.

"What are you doing?" I asked, and grabbed onto the curtains for balance. His hand swung forward and I squeezed my eyes shut. I waited for the contact, but it never came. After a moment I opened my eyes to see his hand frozen. He was still glaring at me but he seemed hesitant. He moved forward and took the pin from my hair.

At the same time I let out a relieved sigh, the curtains collapsed. Kai dropped the pin and grabbed my back, swinging me out of the way of the incoming pole. I grabbed onto his lapel and looked down at the pole. I bit my lip. Not a good moment on my part. I looked up at Kai. He was still furious.

I stood up and he let go of me. I bent down and picked up the hairpin. He moved forward but I held it out before he could rip it from me. He stopped for a moment and gave me a strange look I didn't quite understand. He slowly took the pin from me and put it in his pocket. I started walking towards the door then paused, remembering the conversation with U-jin I had. I turned back around and found Kai standing still and staring into space. I didn't want a war any more than he did. At least on that we could agree.

"Your majesty." My hand started shaking so I grabbed my wrist and held it still. He turned towards me but stayed still. "Tomorrow... Please don't leave me alone with my father."

He looked surprised at my request, as if he expected me to want to beat and start some interkingdom war. I hadn't given him much else to go on. At least this way I could do what U-jin said. Prove I was loyal to the Land of the Night Sky now. Kai took a few steps towards me and I resisted the urge to back away.

"I don't understand." I blinked when I realised what he meant. U-jin hadn't told him about our conversation. What did he think I was saying? "Why don't you want to see him?"

"I... Nevermind." I needed to come up with an excuse. "I'm sure he misses me and will be happy to see me, it just... could not you tell him I've sort of failed here."

King of the Darkest Stars (EXO Kai ff)Where stories live. Discover now