Chapter Twenty One

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"We're going to die!" I wailed as Kai dragged me through the woods. "We're lost and we're going to die!"

"Not from any wild animal," Kai said as he pulled hard to get me to move further into the dark forest. "You've scared them all away by now."

"You have no clue where you're leading us!" I stopped pulling against him and moved closer to him upon hearing a stick crack. I looked down to see it had been my own foot to make the intruding sound and scowled. "It's too cold for us to spend the night out here. We are going to die."

"Absolute drama queen." He looked at the path in front of us with determination. "Do you not think I would know the woods of my own castle? I know exactly where we are now. It's only a few more minutes."

I grumbled under my breath. He'd said that a few times. It's just a few more minutes. I know exactly where we are. We weren't going in circles, but we weren't going to the palace either. We were going to die! That is where we were going! I continued to scowl at the ground then heard a distant shout.

"Is it the rebels?" I asked. "Don't you have a sword?"

"Of course I... don't." He looked down at his waist and sighed. "We'll be fine. No swords necessary."

"That's kind of your life motto, isn't it? Useless warrior king." I wondered if there were wolves here. There were wolves in the mountains. Were there wolves here too? I had a feeling if there were, they wouldn't be as friendly as Chingu. I kicked the dirt beneath me and looked at the dark pathway ahead.

"I don't think anyone blames me for the decisions I've made. All things considered. And if we die tonight, it was my turn anyways. You tried to kill us yesterday. Now it's my turn." He smirked and I jabbed him with my elbow. He let out a spluttering laugh and grabbed his side. I glared at him, but felt slightly guilty for hitting his wound. Not that I would let him know that.

"I would have worn a different outfit if I knew I was going to die." I gestured down to the outfit Sujin has given me to stay disguised amongst the common folk. Or whatever it is she called people without a title.

"Look," he sped up and I had to jog to keep up with him. I watched as he picked up a stone. "It's a trail marker. That means we're going the right way."

"Oh?" I took the rock from him and stacked back on the pile. "You better be right. If we don't die from wolves or bandits, I will kill you. I promise."

"You couldn't." Kai laughed and shook his head as he walked.

"I don't need a sword. I'll kill you with..." I looked around and picked up a stick. "This!"

Kai stopped and smirked. His eyes ran along the length of the stick as he assessed it. He walked over and picked up his own stick, breaking it to the size he wanted, then holding it up like a sword. I realised what I had gotten myself into, but couldn't back out now. I narrowed my eyes and raised my stick. This was - at least - much lighter than a sword.

"Give it your best shot." Kai changed his stance and I came closer to him. I lunged forward but he immediately moved my stick with his, and tapped my stomach. I glared at him and he moved forward. I panicked and moved my stick forward. Our sticks made loud groaning sounds as they hit each other. They clearly weren't happy to be subject to this either. Kai kept walking forward, forcing me backwards.

I struck harder and his aiming had my stick flying from my hands across the woods. I backed up against a tree and he held his stick against my neck with a wide grin across his face. He looked down at me with a warm amusement that made my heart clench, like a sheathed sword. I stared into his eyes and couldn't even find it in myself to be mad at him. He was making me weak.

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