Chapter Seven

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He kept coming closer until I had nowhere to back away into. I crouched in the corner of the room but he grabbed my arm and dragged me across the floor. He flung open the door to the terrace and I scrambled for something to hold but there was nothing. He climbed onto the ridge and pulled me up with him. I looked down at the drop and then at him. He was smiling, a cruel smirk that seemed to exude the malignance in him.


"What did you call me?" He snarled into my ear.

"Your majesty. Please put me down." My voice was shaking. He let out a low laugh and I met his wild eyes.

"I told you. I only needed you until the wedding." He bit back another chuckle then raised his eyes to meet mine. "See you on the other side."

He gave me a two fingered salute then shoved me off the terrace. A scream ripped out of me and I reached for him, but he was too far. He looked down at me as I fell with a smirk resting on his face.

"Why are you screaming?!"

I woke up to U-jin standing in my doorway with his sword drawn. I sat up and pushed my hair out of my face. I was sweating and tears were freshly stained on my cheeks. I took a moment to catch my breath.

"I need art supplies." I pulled my covers off of me and pulled my dressing gown on.

"What?" He asked. "Did you have a bad dream?"

"You're not safe." I pointed at him. "Don't expect me to talk to you if it all goes straight to him."

"Is that about-"

"Art supplies." I repeated. "If I'm going to be stuck here all day, I want to do something productive."

"What kind of art supplies?" He sighed.

"A canvas and paint and palettes. Oh, and an easel and anything else you need to paint a portrait." I folded my arms and waited for him to move. Finally he gave in and left the room. I went to my washroom and started to scrub my skin.

I could still feel his hands on my arms. I could still see his eyes. I could still see his smile. I was headed straight for that course. The moment I got married he was going to kill me. I knew it. Maybe he'd wait a day. A week. A month. However long he thought he could get away with, or until I made a bigger mistake. I put back on my nightgown and dressing gown. When I came back out into my sitting room there were a few maids laying out sheets across the carpet.

They continued for another two minutes. U-jin came and stood next to me.

"What brought this on?" He asked.

"Would you rather me find something else to do? Outside?" I folded my arms and watched him roll his eyes. I smiled triumphantly.

"Are you good at painting?" He raised an eyebrow and turned to face me.

"I have had years of lessons!" I exclaimed. "My father has one of my paintings in his study! I paint just fine!"

"I just can't imagine you sitting still that long." He laughed. I narrowed my eyes.

"I can sit still just fine. When I have a task. I also don't sit when I paint." A maid came up and gave me a handful of clothes.

"For you to paint in." She smiled and bowed.

"War armour." I smiled and went back into the washroom. I hung up my night clothes on the wall and slipped into the brown top and long black skirt. A line of skin showed and I grinned at the mirror. Nari was right. The seamstress had some strange and scandalous designs. I walked back into the sitting room and U-jin looked at me with wide eyes. I smiled up at him and took a seat on the stool and picked up the pencil. I met his eyes.

King of the Darkest Stars (EXO Kai ff)Where stories live. Discover now