Chapter Twenty Eight

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If I ignored that cold feeling of dread, pretended it wasn't there and that everything was fine and we were all safe, would it start to be true? I had the perfect smile to play across my face. I had the lightest laugh to respond with.

Although, with my reputation of being able to hide emotions, I wasn't sure how well I was doing. No one was looking at me like I was broken. Everyone was eating their rice and laughing by the warmth of the fire. The orange glow added life to everyone's complexion and made us seem drenched in safety and warmth.

I felt uneasy.

I felt uneasy because everything had been too easy.

They'd wiped out one of my father's military camps with ease. It wasn't that I doubted Kai or his capabilities. If anyone could wipe out a camp, it would be him and an army loyal to him. But the Coachman was known for faking his death and no one here knew what he looked like. They wouldn't even know if they had killed him or not.

I knew they had quite a few prisoners of war in a tent in the centre of camp, but I hadn't dared to go near it and check if he had been one of the people to enter the camp. My father was still in the castle and he still had a plan that involved both myself and Kai. We were not safe, but we were not acting like we were in danger either.

It felt like we were tempting fate with our teasing smiles and boisterous laughter. Were we loud enough for the universe to hear? Were so arrogant in our joy just to be with each other that we were drawing out misfortune.

"Liar!" Kai growled at Nari. She aggressively pointed her chopsticks out him and jutted out her jaw.

"You weren't there!" She shouted back. "How would you know if I was lying? Unless you're secretly a petal yourself!"

Petal. It almost made me laugh. Petal was an insult used by people of the Night Sky back when we were at war. I guess we were still on the way. It was used since it depicted delicacy and fragility and turned our symbol of the lotus bloom into something easily defeated. If only he were that easy or temporary. If only he could fall away like a petal.

Of course we had insults for the People of the Night Sky too. We called them nighties, for the obvious reason of sexual vulgarity and such. I hadn't had to pay much attention to the safety of the palace walls and my title. I was nowhere near being heir to the throne. While I was born from his wife and not a courtesan, I was still fairly far down. It would take an unlikely massacre and gathering all my scattered siblings to put me on that throne. I would likely abdicate if it ever came to that.

I don't think I'll ever step foot in that place again.

"Aera!" Nari shouted. "How many men came to your room?"

I thought back to that night. Chingu had been barking and... I hoped he was okay. There had been the two men who had cornered and grabbed me. Then there had been the man to knock me out with his handkerchief.

"Three." I answered. She seemed slightly disappointed with this number but continued to make her argument.

"Three in her room alone! But they took over the entire palace! I had to fight through the entirety of it!" She was standing now and I could see the passion in the rise and fall of her shoulders. Her voice was loud enough for the entire camp to hear and Kai's glare was sharp enough to cut through it.

"Aera! You believe me right?!" She looked at me and I couldn't help but smile. Kai slowly turned to look at me with skepticism written across his face. He was looking at me hoping to convince me by making any other opinion seem impossible.

"Of course I believe you." I was speaking to her but kept eye contact with Kai. he scowled at me and my smile grew wider.

"It's completely ludicrous-"

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