Chapter Fifteen

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"Your majesty!" Someone was shaking me awake and wolf U-jin escaped my grasp and started pacing around in the morning air. I sat up to see Sujin, the seamstress, looking down at me with a frown and a question breathing beneath the surface of her eyes. The sun warmed my damp dress and I slowly stood and pushed my dewy hair behind my ears.

"I guess I fell asleep." I met her eyes and knew she saw through my lie.

"I guess so." She looked at the staff entrance then shook her head. "The wedding guests will be leaving soon, and you have to be there to give them off. Let's get you dressed and ready."

"Thank you." The words came out too fast and breathy and she shot me a warning glance. I followed her into the staff entrance and down the hall of maids running back and forth with clothes and trays for the guests upstairs.

I changed into a light pink dress with several layers of sheer fabric and they painted roses on my shoulders and around my neck like a necklace. They produced a rose from twisting my hair into petals on the back of my head. Another woman put on a light makeup that gave me a slight touch of being more woodland sprite than human. I was the picture of soft gentility. Everything I was supposed to be.

This was my armour to survive in this place.

"You better get going." She nodded to the door and I bit my lip and slowly nodded back. "Don't run away again. If the king thinks I'm dangerous I could lose my job."

"Okay." I walked outside again and untied U-jin from the pole.

"Don't take your dog." Sujin came over and took his leash from me. "I'll take him back to your room. Go meet your husband."

"Thank you." I tried to smile at her. I needed to save my smiles for the fond farewells I was about to give. I walked around the palace grounds to the front stairway where human U-jin and Kai were arguing with each other. I had never met someone so disagreeable as Kai.

I started walking up the stairs and the heels they gave me made clicking sounds with each step. Meaning the current argument between U-jin and Kai was cut short and they both glared at me as I struggled up the stairs. It was never good to have both of them glaring at me. I pulled up my skirts so I wouldn't trip and die at such an inconvenient time. If I was going out, it would be dramatic, not lame like this.

"Where were you last night?" Kai demanded. I smiled up at him, thrilled I had stressed him out in any way I could.

"What an imprudent question!" I stood beside U-jin and met his eyes. "Can you believe him?"

"Aera," He sighed and gave me a slight pleading look. "You can't just disappear. Especially when Kai comes and wakes me up to look for you."

"You did what?" I stopped myself from laughing. "And you still couldn't find me?"

"Where were you?" Kai gripped my wrist and I couldn't help but grin. "This isn't a joke. Your safety-"

"You don't have to pretend you care when the nobles aren't around. Let's save your breath." I looked to the doors as nobles started pouring out to meet their carriages. Kai glared at me then turned around and smiled. He put his arm around me and we waved as people started down the stairs. A few came to say goodbye, others went straight to their carriages. My father walked up to us with perfect posture and a portrait smile.

He hugged Kai and I couldn't quite hear what he murmured but Kai didn't seem to like it. His eyes flashed and his smile momentarily faltered, but he whispered something back that seemed to make my father equally as flustered. They exchanged one last loaded smile then he moved to me. He lightly put his arms on my shoulders and moved me to him.

King of the Darkest Stars (EXO Kai ff)Where stories live. Discover now