Chapter Three

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No part of the castle seemed to be light.

From the stormy weather outside, to the dark colours inside I felt like I was drowning in darkness. I wandered in the halls in search of light. One place where I could feel at peace and not drown in the colours of this place.

The palace was an endless maze of twists, turns, staircases, and terraces. The terraces were no use with the storm outside. It was like the world knew this place was meant to be miserable. I pushed open another door and lit a lantern, it was so dark. There was only a window in this room and only a few of the lanterns were lit.

It was an art gallery. There were soft cushioned seats in the middle. I sunk into the cushioned seat and took off my heeled shoes. I let myself fall back and stared up at the ceiling, there were small whorls in the patterning of the stone. Everything was beautiful. It was just dark. I felt like I was wandering around blindfolded with no one to guide me. I heard the sound of something hard on the marble floor.

I sat up and looked around at the shadowy room. I grabbed a lantern off the wall and held it in front of me. I looked around the room but I was too panicked for my vision to adjust to the darkness.

"Who's there?" My voice was too shaky, it betrayed me. It showed I was afraid. I had to hide my fear. I was going to be their queen. They couldn't see me being weak. "Come out."

I heard them take another step and I stumbled backwards. Another dumb move on my part. I was showing them they had power over me.

"Are you going to burn me if I don't?" I heard his drawn out, unamused voice from the corner of the room.

"Who are you?" I asked. "Why are you hiding?"

"Who am I?" I could hear his scoff. "I'm not hiding. I don't need to hide in my own castle."

His own... castle...

The room was dimly lit but in the shadow of the dark room I could see his figure. I could hear his breathing.

He stepped in the light and I met his dark eyes. So, this was him...

The killer.

The King.

The man I was going to marry.

If he wasn't planning on killing me, he definitely was now. Why did I have to be a relentless fool? I clutched the lantern tightly in my hands.

"Your majesty." I responded in a much too flat voice. I could barely make out his face in the darkness, but I could see the sharp curve of his jaw and the utter lack of emotions in his eyes. He was much more handsome than I imagined him. I had pictured him being hideously ugly to match his reputation as our enemy. Though appearances were often deceiving and beauty was a weapon in itself.

"So, you're the princess from the Land of the Lotus?" He took another step forward and I fought the urge to step back away from him.

"Y-yes. I'm Aera." I pushed my hair back behind my ear and watched him carefully. Was I about to die?

"I was sorry to hear about what happened to your carriage." He sounded so nonchalant. He didn't sound sorry. He didn't sound like anything. Part of me wondered if it had been him who attacked my carriage, leaving me defenseless and entirely dependent on him. I gripped the fabric of my dress and kept my eyes on him.

"Yes, it was most unfortunate." I wished my voice could mirror his but I could hear it shaking. He took another step closer. I didn't move a muscle. I stayed completely still. I had to say something. Anything. "I... Is there any day in specific you want the ceremony to be on?"

King of the Darkest Stars (EXO Kai ff)Where stories live. Discover now