Chapter Twelve

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Maybe I was going to be the one to kill him.

He continually pulled the covers off of me and onto him. I could see the covers spilling over his side of the bed and I finally gave in and stopped trying to get it back. It was morning and I had gotten extra sleep from my bath nap.

I pulled on my dressing gown and went into the sitting room where Yun-hee had laid out two breakfast trays. She smiled when she saw me and ran over to me.

"How was the wedding night then?" She asked.

"What do you think?" I sat down and started eating.

"Are we going to have a problem when we collect your sheets later?" She sat down next to me.

"No." I remembered the cut he made. She brightened up and basked in the morning light.

"Things will change now. You'll grow closer together." She stole a strawberry from my plate and started to run off.

"Unlikely!" I shouted much too loud. I covered my mouth and peered back into the bedroom. Kai didn't stir. I carefully closed the door and went back to breakfast. I made sure only to eat half, then got dressed and pushed open the balcony door.

For once it wasn't raining!

The guests would be allowed to stay a few more days, but I had mostly recovered from the night before. I leaned against the border and watched the royals wandering aimlessly around the garden. I wondered if I could go and find Nari and we could run away to the capitol. It was perfect weather to go out.

I tiptoed through the room and opened the door. U-jin wasn't guarding this room. Apparently Kai didn't think that I would wake up before him. I smiled and closed the door behind me. I could barely stop myself from running to her.

I knocked on her door and a moment later she opened the door. A spark lighted in her eyes when she saw me and she grinned and opened the door wider for me to come in. She gathered a small bag and handed me a brown cloak.

"What adventure are you taking me on?" She asked.

"We're going to the capitol." I stared out at the sun and let it cover my face in its light. "It's too nice of weather to stay inside."

"I agree. I have money. Let's go now!" She laughed and grabbed my arm. We walked at a fast pace through the halls. Nari greeted every woman by name and they all smiled at her as if she had made sure to make an inside joke with every woman in the court. I could understand why she was so loved.

"Aera!" I recognised U-jin's voice and I let out a small sound of frustration. He ran over to us and bowed. I nearly laughed at the scene, but I knew that would embarrass him so I held back. "Where are you going on your own?"

"She's not on her own." Nari gripped my arm tighter. "We're going wherever we want."

"I can't let you leave the premises without-"

"Without telling my brother?" Nari clicked her tongue and shook her head. "By the time you tell him we'll be gone. So, you can come with us or you can run and snitch. Which will it be?"

"It's not safe-"

"We can manage just fine without you." Nari nodded resolutely. She gave me a knowing smile and I returned it.

"Don't you understand the stress-"

"His problem." Nari's eyebrows rose and she pursed his lips. "Shall we begin the race?"

U-jin opened his mouth to argue then scowled and pushed his hand through his hair.

"Let's go," he grumbled. I grinned and let out a small shriek. Nari laughed and U-jin trailed us as we walked out of the front doors of the palace. We smiled at the garden walkers and exited through the front gates.

King of the Darkest Stars (EXO Kai ff)Where stories live. Discover now