48. Forgiveness

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After Jungkook had left the bathroom, I opened the drawer where I had left the phone in last night. To my luck, it was still laying there.

At least something works out for once.
But I'm sure the gods above have something else prepared for me.

This phone needs to be hidden somewhere else then in my bathroom cabinet, otherwise they will find it sooner or later. So I got the phone in my hand and walked out of my bathroom as I looked around my room again.

Where o where can I hide this cursed phone?

Maybe my closet? No one has entered my closet yet, or at least I hope so, it's not like they have something to find there anyways. I have already letten them enter my apartment with all my things in it, I'm sure they will keep their curious asses out of my closet.

Wait who am I kidding? I'm sure one of them will go trough my underwear drawer sooner or later and find some condom wrapper I don't own but it just 'happens' to be there.
I can just imagine something like that will happen. And not keeping my hopes up, I will give Jimin 2 days until I find him pottering around in my wardrobe.

Okay, so let's scrap my closet from the list. I then looked around my room again. There is nothing really special in my room, just a bed, nightstands, a desk, a dresser and a bookshelf.

Wait a bookshelf! I'm sure these boys never read books with there 20 IQ combined, where of Namjoon carries 15 of them.

I walked towards my bookshelf, shoved some books to the side and slid the phone behind them, then placed the books as they were before.

I took a step away from the bookshelf and looked at it pleased. Great, now I got that fixed.

I then let myself fall onto the desk chair and looked out of the window, the sky is cloudy today and I could see the rain falling down, making puddles of water on the street.

As I was staring at the rain outside, I started thinking again. Isn't it weird that I haven't heard back from Mr Lee? You would expect I would receive some angry call from him after what I did, but I heard nothing from him.

Maybe it's the calm before the storm?

"Y/n-ah?". I heard someone ask at the entrance of the bedroom door. I quickly turned around and got faced with Taehyung.

But as soon as I saw him, I turned back around again. What is he doing here?

"Namjoon hyung needs you". Taehyung told me. Can't Namjoon just tell me that himself instead of asking him to do it?

But I rather help Namjoon then be in the same room as Taehyung, so I sighed, stood up and then passed Taehyung, who was leaning agains the doorpost.

I will help Namjoon first with whatever bullsh*t he wants and then I will have to book a well deserved vacation far away from here.

But right as I left my bedroom, I got stopped as I felt a hand holding my wrist.

"Can we talk?". He asked, of course this was the reason he came to 'call me':

I didn't say anything and just tried pulling my wrist out of his grip, at least it was the right wrist, not the one I had cut.

"Really, are you still keeping up grudges against me?". Taehyung asked. Is this boy stupid? "At least talk to me". He said as I had only answered him once this morning.

Well maybe a small 'sorry' would help your situation but I haven't heard it leave your mouth yet, so a no will do.

Again, I just ignored him and started pulling my wrist out but like every time before, these boys won't let go.

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