7. Getting bribed?

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When we were eating Mr Kim said I could come to his office to let him sign the papers after we where done with breakfast. He left the table early because he got a call from work.

When I was finally done with breakfast everybody already left. I stood up and took my plate to the kitchen.

How am I going to find Mr Kims office in this house?  If I were to look for it I would still be looking for his office tomorrow. When I left the kitchen I walked across Namjoon.

"O wait Namjoon, could you show me your dad's office?" I stoped him because it was my best option.

Namjoon looked up from his phone. "Sure." He said. "Follow me." He said while going to the other hallway. I just followed behind him.

"I heard you had a fun talk with Jungkook." Namjoon said. He heard everything? "I hope his message is clear for you." Doesn't he know what privacy is?

I just kept quiet.

"Here it is." He stoped for two big doors. "Knock first." He said and quickly left the hallway to go to the front door.

I knocked on the door, as Namjoon told. "Come in." I heard Mr Kim say. I opened the door and walked in. "Hello Y/n." He said.

I greeted back. "Can you sign these?" I asked and gave him te papers.

"Sure, take a seat." He pointing to the stool on the other side of his desk. He scanned the papers quickly and signed the papers. "I know you are not happy with the marriage." He said still looking at the papers and filling in some extra stuff. "How can I make you happy about this marriage?" He asked.

Is he trying to bribe me? But I could take advantage of this situation. I thought for a little. I know I cannot convince my mom to break this marriage and I would be in big trouble if I stopped it because Jungkook made that clear.

"I want to stay in the place where I'm living now." I told him. This is my best option, I don't have to live with BTS and Mr Kim, and I can just live my life.

He looked up from the papers. "I can't do that." He said with a voice that said it wouldn't make a difference even if I argued.

"Why not?" I still asked.

"Because I won't let my daughter live alone in a house and I know your mother would be heartbroken if you wouldn't live with her." He told me.

"Then there is nothing that could make me happy." I told him. He gave me back the papers and I was about to leave but I got stopped again.

"Y/n.." he said sternly. "I hope we can become a happy family. I have always wanted a daughter. And I know you will get used to it but please give it some time. I know it is hard for you to get along with the boys, but as long as you just listen to them they won't cause you any trouble." He stoped for a second and started talking again "can I give you something?" He asked me while opening a drawer from his desk.

I followed his hand and then he pointed a black card at me. It was a black creditcard. I huffed "I don't want your money." I said with a scoff and left his office with the signed papers in my hand.

Did he really just bribe me with money? Such a small minded thing to do, thinking that people become happy with money. And I know I'm not the richest but I have my own job and with the money I get from that I can buy the things I want.

I got my phone from my pocket and looked at the time, it is already 12:30 and my shift starts at 2 so me and my mom need to go home. But there are some things I need to do: first get my jacket back from Taehyung and second change into my clean clothes that Miss A cleaned.

I started to find my way back to the room I slept in while I was doing that I came across Jimin. "Jimin." I said to get his attention. He looked at me and I started talking again. "Do you know where Taehyung is?" I asked. I noticed he was only wearing black clothing and his pockets where stuft with stuff, like he is going to fight. The weird thing is that Namjoon was also wearing the same type of clothing.

"Why do you wanna know?" He asked.

"Taehyung got something from me. So I need to get it back." I told him.

"He is in his room." Jimin told me.

"Which room is his?" I asked before he could leave.

"The second door on the left." And then Jimin quickly walked out of the house.

As Jimin told I nocked on the door and waited for Taehyung to open. After a few seconds the door opened. "What do you want?" Taehyung asked when he saw me standing by his door.

"You said you would give me my jacket back." I told him.

"I said it depends." He said not interested.

"So can I have my jacket back?" I asked.

"Uhhmm.... If you ask nicely I would consider it." He answered.

I sighed "Taehyung, can I pleas have my jacket back?" I asked him.

"Where are the honorifics?" He asked. Really?

"Taehyung oppa, can I pleas have my jacket back?" I asked him using the magical 'oppa' word.

"Yes you can little sister." He said while walking towards his dresser. He got my jacket from the drawer and hold it in frond of me. "But.." he said before handing me the jacket. "There are some rules that you need to follow. And if you don't obey us there will be consequences. Get that?" He said with a straight face.

"Yes." I said. What rules? I'm not gonna do whatever they want me to do. Taehyung handed me my jacket

"Jins clothes are cute on you." He said looking at the pink sweater.

"Thanks?" I said confused by what he just said. He then just closed the door.

Maybe they can be reasonable. I thought. No they can't your new friends told you story's about them and that didn't sound like things normal people would do. And what Jimin did in the cafeteria the other day is not okay, I heard that that kid was send to the hospital.

After I got changed into my clothes and found my mom we finally left to go home. When we arrived I quickly changed into my work clothes and went to work.


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