2. Rooftop

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The next day I came to school early, because I didn't want to see Taehyung at the locker. I quickly put my stuff in the locker and left to find Lae.

"Wait! Y/n is that you?" I heard a familiar voice. I looked behind me and my eyes widened.

It's Chen, my ex. (A/n He is not the person from EXO. I just couldn't think of a name.)

"Yes it's me..." I said to him as I breathed out deeply thought my nose, he and I didn't break up on good terms, so I turned around and started walking away.

"Wait! Don't go. Can we please talk?" He asked.

"No, I'm busy." I cannot forgive him for what he has done to me, I still have bruises on my body from him.

"Please." He bagged. "I'm really sorry Y/n-ssi." Chen said. I just ignored him.

Then suddenly I felt his hands on my arm as he started dragging me with him.

"Chen let go of me!" I said. He didn't listen. "I don't want to talk to you!" I said angry, He just ignored me and dragged me with him. "I swear Chen for f*ck sake, leave me alone!". He still ignored me.

Chen dragged me al the way to the rooftop. He then let go of my arm but locked me between him and the wall. I looked around but nobody was here. "Please listen to me." He said.

"Chen let me go. You have hurt me even when I bagged you not to." I said.

"Please let me explain myself, it has been so long." Chen said.

"You don't have the right to explain yourself! Chen you messed up and now you gotta deal with it!". I said trying to push him away. He can't turn around what he has done to me.

"Y/n I still love you. Please forgive me." Chen said.

"Chen you can just fall dead on the ground right now and I wouldn't even ca-" I couldn't finish my sentence because Chen started kissing me roughly on my mouth.

I tried to push him away but he was too strong for me. Chen tried to deepen the kiss but I wouldn't let him. I tried to push him harder away from me but he didn't move a muscle, this gave me back the bad memories from the abuse I got from him.

The tears started escaping my eyes. Chen noticed and tried to deepen the kiss again and I just let him this time. I'm not thinking straight and more tears escaped my eyes. Chens body got closer to mine as I tried to push him away with the strength I still had but it didn't work.

Suddenly Chen got pulled away. I got freed from his hold and let myself slide down the wall to the ground. I started crying harder. I don't want to look up but I wanted to know who pulled Chen away.

I looked up and saw all the BTS members on the rooftop. Jimin was holding Chen by his shirt and looked at him with angry eyes. "How dare you." Jimin said and threw him on the ground. Then I saw Hoseok punching Chen a few times.

"Leave some for us." Jungkook and Taehyung said and starting to punch and kick him.

"Stop!" I said. They can't just knock someone out. But despite my attempt to stop them Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung didn't stop.

"Stop, please." I said again but with less power. I don't know why I'm protecting Chen right now. He has done awful things to me, he doesn't deserve my forgiveness. But again after my second try BTS didn't listen and punched Chen until he was knocked out.

I just cried. Why doesn't anyone listen to me?

I don't want to deal with these boys, not with Chen, not with my locker mate and not with any other of the BTS members.

When I finally realized that I was alone with BTS and a knocked out Chen I crawled up against the wall. BTS aren't the people you want to be around alone.

"That's enough guys." Namjoon said, stopping the boys. I saw Jungkook punch Chen one more time and then they all stoped.

I wanted to leave the rooftop but I got stopped by a voice. "Aren't you going to thank us?" Yoongi asked. I looked at them and then at Chen.

I was quite for while, should I thank them? I told them to stop but they didn't, I know that I told Chen that he could fall dead, but I'm still human. But what if I don't thank them, what will happen to me then?

I don't even want to think about it.

"Th- thank you." I said a little hesitant, too afraid that anything would happen to me.

"With pleasure. Now stay out off his way, he will do it again." Jin told me. I nodded.

After that I didn't know how quickly I needed to get away from BTS and the rooftop and went to the bathroom to clean myself up.

I was already late for class so I quickly walked toward my classroom, I walked in and I saw the teacher looking at me. "I already began explaining, but because it's your second day I will let it slide miss Ton." He said, I quickly thanked him with a small bow. I looked around and saw only one spot left, next to Jungkook.

I quickly took that seat and got my notebook and pen.

I saw that Jungkook wasn't paying attention to the teacher and once in a while I felt his stare on me. I was trying to concentrate and take notes but it was hard to concentrate while feeling his stare on me.

"Did you leave him on the rooftop?" I eventually asked Jungkook, when I couldn't bare his stair anymore.

Junkook just nodded as response. O god, now I'm worried. What If  he is severely injured? I know I shouldn't care but I can't just leave him out there to die, even after what he has done to me.

I heard the bell ring finally and I quickly took my stuff. The rest of the class I could only think about Chen. I didn't literally mean that if he died right there that I wouldn't care.

I know I'm going to be late for my class again but I just want to know if Chen is allright. I made my way towards the rooftop and opened the door.

When I opened the door, I saw Chen still lying down the same way as when I left. With a shocked face, I quickly walked up to him and kneeled down.

"Chen." I said while trying to wake him.

No answer.

I put my ear next to his mouth to check if he's still breathing, luckily he still is.

"Chen." I shaked him. "Chen!" I said, then I saw his eyes open slowly.

"Y- Y/n?" He said.

"Stand up, I will bring you to the school doctor." I told him as I helped him standing up and leading him to the school doctor.

Why am I doing this? He freaking kissed me against my will, that is also the reason he got beaten up, I thought to myself.

When we reached the school doctor, the doctor helped me put Chen on one of the beds. "What happened?" The woman asked.

"I don't know, I found him like this." I lied. The woman just nodded and was checking Chen. I was about to leave but then I felt Chen hold my hand.

"Pleas stay." He said. I looked at him and then removed his hand from mine and left the medic room.

~sorry I will try to make longer paragraphs~

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