21. The past

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"Chen where are we going?" I asked Chen. Chen and I were on a date and we were just done with watching a movie in the movie theater. It was already quiet late and I was getting tired.

"Don't worry I have a surprise planned for you." He told me.

"Chen I'm really tired right now. Can't you give me the surprise later?" I said. The movie that we watched finished at 11:30 PM and I was already tired from school. But Chen insisted on taking me on a date.

"You love me right?" He asked.

"Yes of course!" I said to him. He looked at me and pointed with his finger to his lips, telling me to give him a kiss. I quickly gave him a peck.

"Great." He said. "It will be even more fun if you're tired anyways." He said.

"Can you please tell me what we are going to do?" I asked him.

"That would ruin the meaning of surprise." He said to me. "But we are almost there." He said. I looked out of the cap window that we were driving in. It was a quiet street and it almost looked like no one was living in these houses.

Then the cap stopped in front of a big house. Chen paid the cap driver and we both got out. "Chen I don't think we are on the right address." I said to him while I was looking around.

"No, this is the right address." He said with a grin, but not the lovely grin he usually gives, it was more an evilly grin. "Lets go." He said and leaded me towards the house with his hands around my waist.

Chen opened the frond door and leaded me in. "Chen I-I want to go home." I said. This place looked scary and it didn't feel save here.

"Don't worry baby girl."  Chen said and kissed me on my mouth. I pulled away.

"Chen what are we doing here?" I asked him. I'm getting scared right now. "I want to g-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I suddenly felt a wet hand towel getting pushed in front of my mouth and nose.

It wasn't Chen who was holding a hand towel against my mouth, because he was just looking at me and didn't do anything. I grabbed the arm from the person behind me and tried to pull it away.

"Babe, don't fight it." He said. My eyes widened, I recognized the voice but I couldn't put my finger on it. Before I knew it I dozed off.


I slowly opened my eyes. I had a big headache and wanted to put my hands on my head but I couldn't. I looked down and saw that my hands were tied up.

What is going on? Why am I tied up?

"She is awake." I heard the same voice say again. I looked up and saw Beoksong in front of me, he is a friend of Chen and is a year higher then me and Chen.

"What are you guys doing? Let me go!" I screamed.

"Baby there is no use in screaming, no one can hear you." Beoksong said.

"Please let me go." I said, while I struggled to get out.

"Here drink some water." I saw Chen with a glass of water in his hand. He put the glass of water on my lips. I took a sip, but it tasted weird. I wanted to spit it out but Beoksong held his hand in front of my mouth.

Beoksong then forced me to swallow it. When he let go off me I caught. "What did you do!?" I screamed.

Beoksong slapped my face. "Shut you mouth!" He said angrily. I screamed out in pain by his punch.

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