36. My goodbye

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!!Warning: this chapter talks about suïcide!!

Jimin had started a movie called.., actually I don't know what it's called. My attention wasn't really on the movie as I was just staring at my clock on the wall. I looked at the wiser as it moved every second, while my mind was going to my mom.

The last time that me and my mom watched a movie together was 3 months ago, when we still lived in our old place. I liked our old apartment more then this house, I used to walk from my bedroom to the kitchen within 5 seconds but now I need to walk a whole marathon if I want something to eat. I swear this house is too big for me, I think that the size of this room alone is the same size of our old apartment.

I just wished that we were still living in that apartment, then my mom wouldn't be dead. A tear escaped my eyes again, she has only been gone for 1 day and I already miss her with my whole heard.

Do you think there is really something after you die? Can you meet the people again that left before you? Or are they really watching from above? I don't know, no one knows for sure, you just have to find out yourself when you die.

I hope there is something after you die, I want to see my mom and dad at least once before I'm really really gone.

These toughs made me tear up and tired, I'm thinking too much again. I looked away from my clock and slowly closed my eyes as I needed to catch up with some sleep.

Just before I fell asleep I felt Jimin laugh loudly as his whole body moved when he was laughing. Right after that I fell asleep as I had only slept for less then 3 hours last night.


I woke up as I felt a thump wiping away something wet on my face. "Cute". I heard a voice say quietly. Wait what?! There is someone in my room.

As soon as I realized that there is someone in my room, I quickly opened my eyes and was met with Seokjin standing beside my bed.

I looked at him surprised and wanted to sit up straight but I couldn't because of the arm around my waist. I looked behind me and saw that I was still between Jimin's legs, just as when I fell asleep, but now Jimin was also asleep. "Ahw the baby is awake". Seokjin said with a small grin.

"What are you doing here?". I asked him as I was rubbing my head as I had a slight headache.

"It's dinner time". Seokjin told me. I sighed, I don't have an appetite.

"Jimin-ssi, wake up". I said grumpily as I roughly pocked my elbow into his stomach to wake him up.

"What?". Jimin said with a sleepy voice.

"Get your hands off, Seokjin-ssi, is getting you for dinner". I said and pushed his arm off me and got up.

"I'm coming". Jimin said as his eyes were still shut and waved us away with his hand. Yeah sure my ass he's coming, I know he is going to fall asleep again within 2 seconds.

I sighed and put my hands on his side and pulled him off my bed. Jimin's body made a loud sound as he fell on the ground.

"Yaah, what's that for?". Jimin grunted as he sat up on the ground.

"If you're going to sleep, find your own bed". I said as I saw Seokjin holding in his laughter.

"Be down in 2". Seokjin said as he quickly left my room.

"Yah! Y/n-ah, you're going to regret this". Jimin said as he stood up.

"Hmm". I said as I lifted my shoulders and walked away towards my closet. I locked the door behind me and change into my own clothes. As I was changing I felt a bit dizzy and didn't feel well while I was doing my movements.

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