37. Freedom deal

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"No, no! Let go you stupid donkey!" I said as I hold onto the end of the hospital bed. "Yah!". I screamed at Seokjin, who was trying to pull me away, as the doctors told Mr Kim that I could go home.

"Yahh! Y/n-ah I'm not trying to play games. Get your freaking hands off and walk your feet to the car!". Seokjin said irritated, while he held me around my waist to pull me away.

"No, I'm not going with you guys!". I said while still holding onto the end of the hospital bed.

After I had finished my food and had taken the medicine, to my dislike, Mr Kim got the 'ok' sign to take me back home. But I don't want to go home yet, it's way more likable here, I honestly never thought I would say that, but yeah I prefer the hospital.

"Y/n-ah I'm not playing, get your hands off!". Seokjin said madly.

"Get your hands off". I mocked after him while rolling my eyes. "I'm not going, you guys can leave, I will just stay here". I sad as I started hugging the end of the bed.

"What are you, 5?". Yoongi joined in as he tried to unhook my arms from the bedframe.

"A 5 year old is at least more reasonable then you guys all together". I said while fighting against Yoongi's and Seokjins struggle.

"Come on, Y/n-ah let's go home". Mr Kim spoke calmly. "The boys promised to keep themselves calm and they won't hurt you". Mr Kim said eying my stepbrothers, well the stepbrothers that were still left in this room.

"Their promises don't mean anything to me". I said annoyed as I tried to kick Seokjin off.

"Then take my promise, if the boys do something unreasonable, you may leave the house". Mr Kim said.

Wait?! What?! Did I hear that correctly? I can leave the house if they do something unreasonable?! Well that will be easy, there doesn't pass a single day without them doing something unreasonable, so I will be out of the house quickly.

I know that I will end up in the house at the end of the day, so why not go home with a promise made by Mr Kim.

"Wait what!? Can't we have a say in this?!". I hear Jimin and Hoseok say at the same time

I looked at Mr Kim. "You promise?". I asked, while still holding onto the bed. Mr Kim nodded his head in response. "Okay I will go, but..." I said as I kicked Seokjin away. "I want it written down on black and white when we arrive at the house". I swear there is always a catch with these people so I want it on paper, to have prove.

"That will do, now let go of the bed and get your stuff". Mr Kim said, as he stood up from the chair and started walking towards the door.

Didn't this go too easily? He just promised me I can leave the house if one of his sons does something unreasonable, there needs to be some kind of catch here.

"Yah! How can you make that decision without us?". Hoseok said as he walked away behind Mr Kim, not happy with his promise.

I sighed deeply as I let go off the bed. I stood up straight and looked at Yoongi and Seokjin, who where looking angrily at me. I smiled awkwardly at them. "Did you guys step with your wrong foot out off bed today?". I asked when seeing their expressions.

Seokjin gave me an 'are you serious?' expression that made me straighten up.

"Let's go, you drained all my energy". Yoongi said annoyed, as he grabbed the top of my head, making me turn towards the exit as he leaded me out of the room.

"What energy?". I scoffed as we started walking.

"I'm just going to ignore that". Yoongi said with a small sight, as I heard footsteps from Seokjin and Jimin following behind us.

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