55. We need you

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Yes, I did indeed fell asleep with Yoongi and Jimin, not really because I wanted too but because I was tired. I was just at least happy Jimin didn't pull out his smirk again, as he was too afraid of the storm outside, he even made Yoongi hold his hands.

But right after Jimin fell asleep, Yoongi pulled his hand back and showed a disgusted look, even tho you could tell he didn't dislike it as much as he's saying. "Jimin makes me do this sh*t every f*cking time". Yoongi sighed, still disgusted.

"Then why do it when you dislike it so much?". I asked him.

"Everything is better then an upset Jiminie, I promise you". Yoongi said tiredly.

After that me and Yoongi were both awake for a while. Yoongi kept on insisting for a full on hour that he would stay awake as he 'doesn't share a bed with anyone'. At least that were his exact words, but his deed showed otherwise as he had soon fallen asleep too.

I even fell asleep next to Yoongi as I couldn't leave my eyes open anymore.

But after some peaceful hours, the peacefulness needs to be replaced by some disturbances in this household.

"Wait? Yoongi is really sharing a bed?". I heard Seokjin ask surprised, as his presence was in the room. Why at this freaking hour?! Can I have a peaceful morning for once?

"I'm sure, he lost a bet". I heard Taehyung say.

"Yoongi would never bet on something like that unless he is 110% sure he will win it". Seokjin said back.

"Maybe he's soft for Jimin and Y/n-ah". Taehyung then laughed.

"If you don't shut your f*cking mouth, I will cut both of your throats open and write a song celebrating your death with your blood on the wall". Yoongi said grumpily as he turned around.

"I take that as a yes then". Taehyung said as he started running out of the room and soon after that I felt Yoongi get up and run behind him.

Yes I'm surprised too, Yoongi is running.

I also opened my eyes as I moved from my side to lay on my back, because I now had more space. "Why are you here?". I asked Seokjin tiredly.

"We want to talk to you". He answered.

"Couldn't you've waited until I woke up?". I asked as I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"Does this face look like it waits?". Seokjin said, pointing towards his head.

"No, it rather looks like a face that's stubborn and annoying". I said, I mean he asked for it.

"Watch your mouth sis". Seokjin said. "Both of you, in the kitchen in 5". He said as he then walked out of the room.

"5 what? Centuries?". I asked grumpily as I sat up in the bed. I looked to my side and saw Jimin also slowly waking up.

"I wish he meant centuries". Jimin said tiredly, slowly awakening. "But 5 minutes means that I have enough time to get a morning hug from my sister, right?". He asked as there appeared a childish grin on his face.

Okay first of all, I didn't make up with them so that I can become a living teddybear. Secondly Jimin is understanding this 'we made up' in completely the wrong way. Thirdly since when did Jimin get so attached?

"Hell no". I said as I started getting out of bed but Jimin quickly pulled me back, hugging me. "I swear if you don't let me go, you won't see another day of light". I said as I tried to push his arms away.

"I won't mind, I like the night better anyways". Jimin winked.

"Ugh, Jimin-ssi you probably lost half of your only braincell while sleeping last night, get off". I said as I then rolled out of the hug.

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