61. Real freedom - the last chapter

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I was looking out of the window as the sun was brightly shining down upon us.

Empty fields and meadows were filling our few as we drove on a deserted road. The music on the background was calming as we sat in silence, it's weird to be far away from the busy city.

"I used to drive this to school everyday". Jungkook suddenly spoke quietly, who was sitting behind the steering wheel.

"It must've been a boring ride". I told him as you couldn't see more then grass fields and woods within a radius of 20 kilometers from where we are.

"It used to be my favorite time of the day". Jungkook then said. "This was the only time I had for myself, I loved looking out of the window and looking at how the seasons changed". He told me as he thought back to when he was still a child.

"That's sad...". I told him. A child who's best time was to look outside of a car window is kind of heartbreaking.

"I didn't know any better". Jungkook replied back as we drove into the forest.

Then we fell silent again as the music on the background was the only thing that was heard again.

We drove through the forest as you saw some birds flying around and could see flowers growing on the side of the road. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Jungkook feel more and more nervous.

Last night when Jungkook asked me to come along with him, I couldn't tell him no. I know his biggest fear is his mom and despite all his brothers, I think Jungkook deserves freedom the most. So when he looked with his saddened eyes at me, I had no other choice but to agree.

This morning we had gotten ready to leave for our 3 hour drive to the prison that had been his home for many years.

Right now I saw that the forest became less afforest and a big concrete wall came in sight. Right above the concrete wall, there were wires and cameras surveilling the area. Jungkook drove up with the car to a little parking lot that is meant for visitors, our car was the only car on the parking lot. I guess they don't get a lot of visitors here.

Jungkook parked the car in the nearest spot next to the visitor's entrance and turned off the car as he sighed deeply. Jungkook's fingers tapped the steering wheel nervously as he looked in front of him to the high, concrete wall.

He was quietly looking in front of him as he looked at the wall with saddened eyes, he's probably getting back memories.

"You're ready to go inside?". I asked him as I noticed he became nervous.

"You can go inside already, I will come later". Jungkook told me as his tapping fingers became fists around the steering wheel.

"Sure, I will register our arrival". I told him as I loosened my seatbelt and got out of the car. I'm sure Jungkook wants to be alone for a second, of my knowledge this is the first time he has come back after he has left. I'm sure he has a lot of memories here, bad and good ones.

I walked towards the visitor's entrance and walked in. Immediately after I got in, the place looked untouched, like no one ever comes here. In the back of this room, I saw a small reception area. This place is quite somber, everything inside looks just like the concrete wall outside, dark, gray, boring and ugly.

I walked towards the little reception area where you could see a wall filled with plastic baskets, probably meant for visitors to put their belongings in before they meet one of the prisoners.

There was no one inside of this little area so I rang the little bell that was on the counter so that someone would notice my presence. I'm taking the non existing presence of a staff member here as to say they don't get a lot of visitors.

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