58. Killer

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Hoseok turned around to me as he heard me call out his name. He had a sniper sticking out of his bag that was hanging on his shoulder. Hoseok was clothed in complete black, showing off the shape of his body perfectly. He quickly walked towards me and grabbed my wrist before he walked the way he just came from without saying anything.

What a nice greeting, isn't it?

"What's going on?". I asked as he dragged me along.

"If you don't want to see it with your own eyes, I advise you to shut your freaking mouth". He hissed at me in a whispering tone.

"Is Mr Lee dead?". I asked him. He just sighed and kept dragging me along into another hallway and finally into a room.

He dragged me towards the window in the room and pointed towards a black van in the bushes, almost unrecognizable if he hadn't pointed it out. "You see that?". He asked me. I nodded. "Yoongi is in there, controlling all the cameras and the security system". Hoseok told me.

He then let go of my wrist and turned towards me. "I need to go and plan the escape. Either Namjoon or Jimin will come this way and will help you reach the van. Wait for them here until one of them knocks on the door 3 times". He said as he then turned around and walked out of the room.

"Wai-". I got cut off as he had already closed the door. Well thanks for the detailed explanation, I guess. It's not like my life is on the line or something.

What if someone will just walk into this room and will attack me? I've got nothing to protect me, does he expect me to spit in their face while they are pointing a gun at me, huh?

This night is all just a mess. I don't even know for how long I was out and now there are bullets flying in the air every second. I almost got killed by Mr Lee, then there was Mr Kim, then Chen helped me out whom I don't trust for my life after what he has done to me and now Hoseok is leaving me for dead? Can there be any more sense to this whole situation?

I was looking at the door nonstop for around 10 minutes, just checking if I won't get killed in the meantime until I suddenly heard someone knock on the door 3 times.

I pushed myself away from the window and opened the door, just to see Jimin. I sighed relieved. "Follow me". He said as he now got my wrist and started dragging me along as he had a machine gun in his other hand.

I quietly followed behind him as he dragged me into another hallway, into the next hallway and into the next hallway.

"Jimin-ah, where are we going?". I whispered at him as it seemed to me that we were just making circles.

"Shhh". He then suddenly pulled me behind a wall as he held me tightly agains his body as my face got pressed into his chest.

I couldn't hear any footsteps in the hallway, the hallway was probably the quietest in this whole mansion. "What?". I whispered at him as I didn't notice there was any enemy near.

"Nothing, I just wanted to hug you as I didn't get the care and attention I deserve these last few minutes". Jimin just said.

What's off with these guys's timing? Does he think hugging in the middle of a freaking fire attack is the right time to do so?

I quickly pushed myself away from Jimin, as I now know he wasn't holding me in his arms because there was danger coming.

"Not the freaking right time to do so, don't you think?". I asked annoyed.

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