23. Radio

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Right now I'm sitting in the car with Yoongi and Hoseok. I made a promised to try to act nice towards my stepbrothers to Mr Kim, and in place for that I got my end of the deal. Mr Kim wants me to make a bond with the guys and wants me to listen to them and if me or the boys argue once before the day ends, the deal won't go through.

It was really hard to convince Mr Kim to agree, he is a really stubborn person but luckily I'm more stubborn than him. So we ended up agreeing on both of our stand points, which took around 20 minutes of negotiating and arguing. But when I finally got my part of the deal, like how I want it, I left his office with a smile.

It was quiet in the car while Hoseok was driving and Yoongi taking a nap in the passengers seat. After about 5 minutes I started speaking.

"Hoseok-ssi, can you turn on the radio?" I asked him. He looked at me through the rear-view mirror and then back at the road again.

Hoseok didn't say anything and was busy concentrate on driving to school. "Hello? Can you put on the radio?" I asked again, because I didn't get a response the first time.

Again I didn't get a response from him. Is he deaf or something? He could at least be nice enough to answer me back.

I sighed deeply. Why is he ignoring me? I didn't do anything wrong to him. Maybe it's just his personality, somber and not enthusiastic.

"Yeah sure just keep ignoring me, I will just do it myself". I said annoyed and I then unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned forward to the front to turn on the radio. But before I could Hoseoks hand stopped me.

"I don't respond to stupid questions". He said. "Now sit down and put on your seatbelt". He said with a warning voice.

Wow, first he ignores me and now he is saying that I'm stupid. I sighed in annoyance and sat back in my seat, all I want is some music.

"Why can't you turn on the radio?" I asked him while crossing my arms.

" 'Cause Yoongi is asleep." He answered me. "Now stop complaining and act your age". He said, probably directed towards my crossed arms.

"Maybe you should try to act like a normal human being". I said to myself. I saw him giving me warning eyes through the rear- view mirror, oops.

"I said put on your seatbelt". He said when he saw that I didn't put them back on. I rolled my eyes and buckled myself up.

He is such an asshole. You can't even have one normal conversation with him or ask him to do a simple task. For the rest of the ride I was annoyed and we all didn't say anything to each other.

This doesn't count as an argument, right? It was more like a conversation between me and someone with a too big of an ego who wasn't responding back to me. I will just not tell Mr Kim and he won't know.


When we finally reached school and Hoseok parked the car, I quickly got out. I heard the others also get out of their car, except for Yoongi he was still sleeping peacefully in the car.

Without Hoseok saying anything about that he just left Yoongi there asleep. I started to walk towards my locker to put my stuff away, but suddenly I felt someone's arm around my shoulders. I looked up and saw Jungkook next to me.

"Don't touch me". I said annoyed and pulled his arm off.

"Yaah! What's wrong with walking with my little sister?" Jungkook said irritated. Why does he keep calling me his little sister, I'm the same age as he is.

"You can walk with me, but you just can't touch me". I said to him, not trying to make an argument. I don't feel comfortable by him touching me. I'm already dealing with a trauma and I don't want it to get worse.

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