42. Mortgagee

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"Chaesoo, what's going on?". I said worriedly as I walked into the small coffee shop and saw her sitting in the corner with a shaking body and her hands in her hair.

Chaesoo looked up at me as she heard my voice. "Hi". She said and showed me a small smile.

"Don't smile at me when you're not happy". I said as I put my bag on one of the chairs and sat on the chair on the other side of her. Chaesoo had called earlier this morning to meet me at this coffee shop, she sounded really afraid on the phone, so I got here as soon as possible. "What's happening, last week you were so happy when we met". I asked her, referring to when we had a fun time together at the small movie night we had at my apartment.

"It's... It's nothing". She said. I raised up an eyebrow at her. She sighed exhausted as she saw my look. "It's my dad...". She said while avoiding my eyes.

"You want something to drink, then we will talk? I'm treating". I asked as I tried to make her feel comfortable.

She gave a small nod as she played with the sleeve around her hand. "I will order some". I said as I got up from the table and walked to the barista to order two drinks and a little pastry.

After I had ordered, I walked back to sit on my seat. "Tell me, Chaesoo-ssi". I said as I looked at her.

Her eyes met with mine. "Y/n-ah, I'm afraid...". she said as a tear left her eye. "My- my dad got himself into trouble as he lend money from a man because my dad has gotten a gambling addiction". She started telling me.

I looked at her in worry, as I knew that they didn't have it the best financially. "My dad lost everything he lend and now the man, whom he lend the money from wants his money back. But my dad doesn't have anything, he lost it all". She said as she wiped away her tears. "M-my dad was even desperate enough to tell the man that h- he could take me instead, until he has all the money...". She said as even more tears came out of her eyes.

"Oh god". I said shocked.

"The men said no, but 2 days ago he changed his mind. He- he said he would take me instead of the money". She started crying more and I quickly got up to hug her tightly in my arms.

"I- I need the money, otherwise they will take me with them, that's why I asked you for the money". She cried in the crook of my neck. "I- I don't want to be taken, there will happen awful things to me. I'm so afraid Y/n". She cried.

The only thing that I could do was rub her on her back to comfort her. "Don't worry, I got the vessel with me". I said as we sat like that for the next 2 minutes and Chaesoo slowly getting her self together again.

Right as I let go of Chaesoo, an employee put our drinks and a pastry on the table. I gave the waiter a small bow and sat on my own seat again.

I shoved an iced latte together with the pastry towards Chaesoo. "Take some, you must not have eaten well because of the stress". I said as I gave her an comforting smile.

"Look". I said as I opened my bag on the seat besides me and getting out the vessel, that I took with me from my old locker yesterday. "You can give him this and he will leave you alone". I said as I put the little vessel down on the table.

"But what if he doesn't want the money anymore?". She asked me. "He could just take me with him easily and do horrible things to me". She said as she was still a bit shaking.

"Look Chaesoo-ssi, there is no man that could take control over you, you're a strong individual so don't give up on yourself. No one can take control of you and if he lays just only one finger on my best friend, I'm going to rip out his throat and use it as decoration for my living room. So don't think that someone can just take you with them because in the end you are your own person, don't let them have control over you". I told her and I saw a small smile appear on her face.

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