6. Visit from Jungkook

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I turned around when I felt the sun shining in my eyes. I just laid there for 5 minutes until I decided it was time to get up. I open my eyes and was shocked to death.

"Whaaa!" I screamed when I saw Jungkook on my bed while resting his back on the headboard and with his phone in his hands. Because of the sudden shock I fell down the bed.  "Auch." I saw Jungkook looking up from his phone.

"Finally, you're awake." He said.

"Yah! What are you doing in this room!" I said madly as I stood up. Is he out of his mind?

He sighed. "I liked you way better when you were asleep, at least you where quiet and not complaining." He said. Really is he complaining about my complaining, while he is the one who is suddenly in someone else's bed.

"You didn't answer my question. Why are you in here?" I asked stil angry.

"I got asked to wake up my little sister for breakfast." He said. Iewww I cringed.. did he just call me his little sister? Please erase this from my head.

I scoffed "I'm not your little sister."

"In a few days you will be." He said. Wait what, few days? What does he mean about that?

"Few days?" I asked

"The wedding will be next weekend. Didn't your mom tell you?" He asked. This is unbelievable. I just shook my head. "Your mom is not that good at telling you stuff, isn't she?" He said with a slight grin.

I am so gonna murder my mom. She can't just marry a men where her daughter didn't even know the existence of a view days ago. She can't marry him! I am not gonna except that. She could have at least told me a few months or weeks before she decides to marry a man.

"You woke me up. Now you have done your task, so you can go now." I told Jungkook who was still siting on the bed.

"First, don't tell me what to do!" He literally scolded me. "Second, I have come to tell you something." He said. I looked at him and crossed my arms.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked.

"DO NOT ruin the wedding between your mom and our dad." He said seriously. Wow wow wow. What did he just say?

Where did the story go where the mean boys  threaten the girl to stop the marriage between the parents?

"Shouldn't you be telling me to convince my mom that she shouldn't marry your dad?" I asked confused. I do not want her to marry him.

"Can you just stop asking questions? I'm starting to get a headache from you." Jungkook said annoyed. "They need to marry because our dad has not been happy or nice until he met your mom. And now that he is happy we can do whatever we want." He told me.

"That is a little selfish, isn't it?" I said when I heard his reason. They just want to use my mom to get to do whatever they want?

"See it this way. Everybody is happy your mom and our dad are happy to be together for forever, me and the boys are happy for the freedom and you can live the rich life you have always wanted." Jungkook said.

I got angry. Does he think I am some kind of gold digger who only wants money? I looked at him in disbelief. "I don't want your money! I don't want Mr Kim as my father! I don't want you guys as my stepbrothers! I don't want to have anything to do with you guys!" I said angrily.

I see Jungkook get up from the bed and stared walking towards me. He had a deadly expression on his face while he was coming towards me. I took a view steps backwards to create some distance between us until I felt the wall against my back.

When he was close enough he put his hand around my neck while pushing me to the wall. "DO NOT Talk with that tone te me!" He said while tightening his grip around my neck. "Understand?" He asked. I put my hands around his to get his grip from my neck but it didn't work. "Understand!?" He asked again.

"Ye- yes." I said while trying to get some air.

"Great." He said with a smile and let go of my neck. As I fell down to the ground, he started to walk away but stopped in frond of the door. "I hope my massage is clear." He said looking down to me. "Get up. The rest is waiting downstairs for breakfast." He said that like nothing just happened.

Temper? never heard of it. Mood swings? Also never heard of it. What is wrong with this guy?

When I finally got back enough air in my longs I got up and started to walk towards the dining room.

"Hey sweetie how did you sleep?" My mom asked when I walked into the dining room. Everyone was already at the table and was busy eating.

"I want to go home." I said to her.

"Come on. Eat something first." She said while pointing to the table to tell me to take a seat. I sighed and took a seat in between Yoongi and Jin.

"What do you want to eat? You can just ask and Miss Cho will make it for you." Mr Kim explained. "Or you can have some cereal." He pointed to the boxes on the table.

"An apple will do." I said while I took an apple from the fruit bowl on the table. I took a bite from the apple but my mom interrupted me.

"Y/n-ah you can't just eat an apple for breakfast, take some cereal or waffels." My mom said. Really? She has gone too far. First she keeps a relationship from me, then she tells me she is gonna marry him and now she is going to act like the perfect mom. It is normal that I only eat an apple for breakfast, she has seen me do it many times before.

"Really?! First you keep your relationship a secret to me, than you announce that you are gonna marry him, then I need to find out that I switched schools because Mr Kim is now paying for my education. And now you are telling me what to eat and what not to eat! What are you going to tell next? Tell me that my real dad is not dead?" I said to her really angry. It is not a thing I would normally get mad about but I am already angry enough at her. Even for my mom there is a limit to how far she can go.

She let her fork fall on the table, and looked at me with angry eyes mixed with some apologetic and some sad eyes. Then I realized that I hit her sensitive string. Really Y/n? Did you really mention your fathers dead? Ohhw I'm so f*cked right now.

Everybody's attention was at us. I then heard Mr Kim talk again. "Calm down Y/n." He said while putting his hand on my moms back to comfort her. "Miss Cho could you make some waffles." He ordered Miss Cho, she just nodded and left to the kitchen.

My mom gave a thankful look at Mr Kim.

"You know what? I will just take the bus home by myself." I said angry. My mom can stay here for as long as she wants but I'm not going to stay here. She can become a new happy family with her new sons and husband.

I stood up from my seat. "Get your ass seated! And apologize to your mom!" Yoongi spoke up angrily. This was the first time one of the boys spoke since the discussion began.

I didn't dare to disobey him so I just sat down. I do not want to mess with BTS when they are angry.

I crossed my arms and leaned against the back of my stool. Miss Cho came back inside and placed a plaid with fresh waffles in frond of me. I gave her a small bow and then she left the room.

"I said apologize to your mom." Yoongi said next to me. is he trying to be the perfect son in front of my mom? Or does he just dislike me?

A deep sighed left my mouth "I am sorry for bringing up dad." I said. There is no way I'm going to apologize to her for anything else, that is all on her.

My mom looked at me with a small smile. "I am also sorry for not telling you about Mr Kim sooner. I know it is hard to handle but please try to get used to it." My mom apologized to me. I just nodded.

I sighed. This whole discussion started because of an apple. A simple apple.

Everybody started to talk again and eat their food. I just looked at the plate in frond of me. I'm really not that hungry.

"Do I need to feed you?" Jin mocked when he noticed I still didn't eat. Great it was Jin, again. Like I said I do not want to make any of the BTS members mad so I started to eat my waffles.


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