19. Jimin's room

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~Trigger warning, this chapter may contend sensitive subjects~

I should feel ashamed right now, I literally bawled my eyes out in front of my stepbrothers. But I couldn't stop it, it felt like I didn't had control over my own body.

My mind couldn't take it, it was resisting anything that had to do with him, just only thinking about him is stressing me out, let alone be in the same car as him.

I was now sitting in the car with Seokjin and Hoseok. The whole car ride was quiet, no one said anything, only making my sobs sound louder then they really were. Not even one word was said as we almost reached the mansion.

When we drove through the gates and Hoseok had parked the car, Seokjin started speaking. "Go to you room Y/n-ah". He said. I nodded and wiped away my tears before we got out off the car.

Seokjin and Hoseok stayed seated, waiting to speak until I had closed the car door behind me.

I was just happy to not have anyone around me for a second as I walked into the mansion and started walking up the stairs towards my room. "Where is she going?!" I heard Taehyung ask madly.

"Let her be for a while." Namjoon responded.

"No! She is not getting away for what she has done! She needs to know her place!" Taehyung said angry and right after that I heard his footsteps coming closer to me.

"Stop it Taehyung." I heard Yoongi's stern voice. "We will show her her place later, for now you and Jimin need to stay away from her". Yoongi told him.

All this was happening while I was walking towards my room, I hadn't bothered to turn around as I felt exhausted. "What kind of bullsh*t is this!? Why are you picking her side instead of your brother's?! Who the hell does she even think she is! She has disrespected us since the day she stepped a foot into this damn house! She needs to learn how to obey her brothers!" I heard Taehyung's angry response. Before I could hear another thing, I shut my bedroom door behind me and cuddled myself up into my blanket.

I started to cry again, I just cried until I didn't had any tears left. I hate my life. I want my mom right now. I only want my mom, I wish she never met Mr. Kim, I wish BTS weren't my stepbrothers, I wish that my real father didn't die, I wish that I'm not traumatized, I just wish that I could be free.

But I can't.

All I need right now is to hear my mom's voice, she will tell me that everything will be all right and she will calm me down. I know that sometimes me and my mom can't handle each other, but she has always been there for me.

I got up from underneath my blanket and got my phone. I then started to call my mom.

It went straight to voicemail.

I tried again.

I got her voicemail again.

Why aren't my calls reaching her? It goes straight to her voicemail. Is something wrong with her? Why does she never pick up when I need her?

"Aaahh!" I screamed out in frustration. Why isn't she picking up, I really need her right now. I hate it here in this house all by myself. I'm afraid off my life the whole time I'm in this house. I just need to be away from this place, but I know there is no way out.

Not a way without a fight.

I want my old life back. I want to be in my old school and have my parttime job back. I want to be with the one friend back there that I made, my dearest best friend Chaesoo. While I'm thinking about her, I haven't spoken to her much. I will need to do that soon. I just want a normal life, not one where my stepbrothers are controlling me and scare the shit out of me.

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