1. New school

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"Come on Y/n-ah, don't be grumpy and dramatic, I told you it would be fun". Chaesoo, my friend told me.

"It's not fun when you're afraid as hell for it, I'm not going to suffer through this!". I told her.

"Oh come on you dramatic ass. I took today off work and saved my money to do this with you. We need to have a farewell party because you're not going to attend the same school as me anymore". She told me.

"Well then put your money back in your pocket, I changed my mind, we can just chill at my place". I said stubborn as we were arguing at the ticket booth.

"Come on, the movie won't be that scary, otherwise I will hug you to sleep tonight". She said.

"You better, otherwise I'm going to cut off your fingers one by one". I told her.

"Hey, I need my fingers to do things in life!". She said fake offended.

"And I need a peaceful night to function in my normal life". I told her back.

"See it like this, your first day at your new school can't come near anything that you will experience in this movie, meaning tomorrow will be less scary then expected". She concluded.

"You owe me 5 bucks for every time I'm going to scream". I told her.

"You're going to make me bankrupt Y/n-ah". She laughed as she quickly bought the tickets for the movie, before I could change my mind again.


Yesterday's movie was scarier then I expected, I didn't like it for a second. But after a lot of turning around and looking underneath my bed, I had finally fallen asleep yesterday.

I had gotten ready this morning and tried to do my hair as tidy as I could, not wanting to come to school like a zombie on my first day of school.

Now I'm at my new school, standing in front of the principal's office.

I sighed before I knocked on the door twice. "Come in". I heard a woman's voice say from the other side. Like she told me to, I walked into the office and walked towards the woman.

I gave the woman a small bow before introducing myself. "Hello miss, my name is Ton Y/n, I'm the new student here." I introduced myself, even though it was obvious.

"Hello, Ton Y/n-ssi, I am Mrs Kwon. I take that you're new here". She smiled. "I hope you will have a nice time here. I have already prepared your information, it's ready for you to take with you." She said while giving me a small pile of papers that she took from her desk. "On the first paper you can find your classes, on the second is your locker number and combination, the third page has some extra classes that you can join if you want to and the last few papers need to be signed by the one who is paying for your education." She explained. "The canteen is shared with the connected college and we have monthly meetings, mandatory for all students to attend. If later there are later on any problems, you can tell me". She told me.

"Thank you." I said and wanted to leave but I was stoped.

"I almost forgot. We are short on lockers, so it could be possible you have a locker mate. Please don't be surprised when there is stuff inside." She told me.

"I will remember that. Have a nice day Mrs Kwon." I said while giving a small bow and left the office.

I was just fine on my old school, but my mom got offered a new job a few months ago. She has been really happy and she could finally afford a car. 2 weeks ago my mom decided that I could switch schools, for a better education. I first refused because I knew this school is more expensive and we still don't have enough money, but it wasn't negotiable. So this is the situation I'm in now. In a new school, but fortunately I still live in the same house.

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