29. Start of many bloody days

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After dinner I went upstairs to my room and made the assigned homework for Monday. I haven't been really focusing on school the last few days and I'm starting to notice I'm getting behind. My mind has been busy with other things like, dealing with my stepbrothers, having an stalker around and trying to not break down in front of anybody.

The memories of my past are still hanging around in my mind and every time I close my eyes, I can see the images from that night on the back of my eyelids. I'm trying not to show anyone that I'm not doing well. If my mom would know I'm going through a depressing state again, she is going to ring all the bells and make herself stressed out. And I know if I would tell Mr Kim, he would tell my mom and I just don't like him enough to tell him my problems, same for my stepbrothers. I could of course tell it to my friends, they would understand me and would try to help me out, but I didn't really got a good change to talk to them thanks to Jungkook. But if I had the change to tell them, I think I wouldn't do it. I don't want to put that weight on them, I have only known them for about a month but I know they will support me, they are really one of the greatest persons to exist.

While I was making my homework for Monday, my mind kept on thinking about my stalker. He had massages me earlier this day and wished me a 'Bloody day', I really don't know what the meaning behind that message is. Also the rest of the message was creeping me out too, he said he will get me away from them. I mean I would gladly get taken away from here, but where will he take me? What if he is even more of a creep then my stepbrothers are, but I'm doubting that is manageable.

Suddenly my sleep took over me and I started to yawn. I looked up at the clock on my wall and saw that it was already 11 o'clock. "I should get ready for bed". I said to myself and got up from my desk chair.

My mom already came into my room a while ago and brought me some snacks and told me that it was already getting late and that she would go to bed early tonight. I said to hear that I will finish soon, but apparently 2 hours have already past after my mom left my room.

Maybe I should take a shower to clean me up and refresh myself. I walked towards my bathroom and went to undress me, but I noticed something. When I pulled down my underwear I saw that it was covered in blood. "Fuck". I sighed, this is really something I was not prepared for.

I started going trough my cabinets and drawers in my bathroom to look if I had some kind of tampon, pad or something that will stop me from bleeding under my panties.

After 5 minutes of looking around for something, I ender up finding nothing useful. I guess I ran out of everything, the only menstruation products that I own are in my locker at school. "Really Y/n how can you be so stupid". I scolded myself. Now I need to run to the store to get me trough this week.

I sighed deeply at my dumb mistake. Stupid me, how can I forget something like this? Ugh. Before I'm leaving the house to go out, I decided to clean myself up by taking a shower and then get some clean underwear and wrapping it with toiletpaper.

When I was done preparing myself to go to the store, I looked at my clock again. The clock said that it's 11:30 PM already, I sighed somewhat in relief. It's already late, which means there is a big change everyone is asleep right now.

I opened my door and started to walk into the corridor, down the stairs and then towards the front door, where I started to put on my outdoors shoes. I simply sat down on the ground and started to put on my sneakers.

While I was busy putting on my second shoe, I got surprised by a voice.

"Where are you going?". I heard a voice say behind me and I quickly look around. When I looked up at the person standing in the hallway, I saw Yoongi in his sweatpants and hoodie.

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