16. Meeting

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I asked my stepbrothers multiple times why I couldn't go downstairs but I kept getting the same reply: "it's for important business". When I wanted to ask what it was about, they just kept on sushing me and told me to go upstairs and stay there.

It's now almost 10 o'clock and they told me someone would bring me my dinner at 8, but I still haven't gotten anything. I was getting hungry.

I just thought about going downstairs to get something to eat. They can't tell me to stay upstairs all night without giving me anything to eat. Who are they even to tell me what to do.

I had already putten on my pjs, some shorts and an oversized shirt I have gotten from one of my boy friends from my old school. I was hesitant to change into some neater clothes, incase I would bump into one of the business men. But I was too lazy to do that.

I'm to hungry right now to put effort into things I do. I got out of my room and walked down the stairs. I walked past the dining room towards the kitchen and looked around for some food.

I eventually found some rice in the ricecooker and found some kimchi to put on it. I got a spoon and a set of chopsticks from the drawer and together with the bowl of rice I left to go back to my room.

"Who is that?" I hear an unfamiliar voice ask when I was passing the dining room. I turned around towards the dining room and saw around 20 well built man sitting around the dining table.

I also saw BTS turn around towards me, whose backs where facing me. I saw Seokjins and Namjoons eyes widen and the rest of BTS looked at me as if the where going to kill me.

"Well who is she? Is she someone's slut?" The same voice asked again. Did he just call me a slut!?

BTS had an serieus expresion on their face, but I felt an tense atmosphere. I saw Taehyung giving Jimin a kick underneath the table.

I heard Jimin clear his throat. "Yes, she is mine." Jimin said.

Wait! What did he just say!? I'M WHAT!?

"What!" I said in disbelief.

"She is pretty hot." I heard another unfamiliar voice say. Am I dreaming? Come on Y/n wake up! "Can I have her after you're done?" He asked.

"She is not on the market." Jimin said. This needs te be a dream, this needs to be a dream. I was repeating this sentence in my head, while I was standing dumbfounded on my spot. Why the hell are the talking about me like someone who is up for sale?!

"Can I have a taste of her then?" The second guy asked while he stood up and walked towards me. Before he could reach me I felt Jimin pull me into his chest with his hand around my waist, which almost made me let the bowl of rice fall. How is Jimin suddenly behind me? Just a second ago he was sitting on the table.

"You're so dead." I hear Jimin whisper in my ear. I fell goosebumps appear on the back of my neck. It was a big mistake to go downstairs.

"Don't touch her, I'm not done with her yet." Jimin told the guy. Where did I get myself into?

Are businessmen suppose to be this horny and interested in someone else's business?

"Why don't you wait upstairs for me?" I heard Jimin ask me while he tightened the grip around my waist, telling me to play along.

"Y-yes, I- I will wait upstairs." I said.

"Why don't you start your business right now?" The man asked Jimin

"I don't think that's appropriate." Jimin stated. "We are in a meeting." He said while nodding his head to the table of men.

"We were almost done, we can use some entertainment". The man said. I can't believe what he is saying. Is he implying for us to make out? I wanted to trow up right now.

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