31. Business event

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We were only a few minutes away from the building where our parents are holding the event. And I am annoyed to hell because of the car ride.

After I saw myself in the rear-view mirror, I sat my self up straight and pulled out the mini brush that I had taken with me from home. I intended to use it to redo my ponytail for when it would get frizzy later on this evening, but it had already became the time to get it out.

But something surprising happend, which made me more irritated while I was redoing my ponytail. Because suddenly Jungkook had changed his mood completely and acted like nothing happened and he insisted to help me out, because he stated that he was good ponytail maker.

I refused the first several times when he asked, but then he shot me the eyes he shot me earlier in the car and then I let him grab the brush out of my hand with a lot of dislike. He had then remade my ponytail neatly and watched out that he didn't hurt me while doing so.

After he had made the ponytail, which looked perfect, I will admit. He then had handed me my brush back and tilted up my body, so that it was more comfortable on his lap.

He had then pushed my back against his chest and he crossed his arms around me while he held one of his hands on my stomach the whole time as if nothing had just happened before he made my ponytail. He probably held his hand there, because he knew that I was on me period, 'cause he had already said it in the hallway before we left the house.

Honestly I was not complaining about his hand there, because it was actually nice but I was mad about something else. Because I hate it, and I really hate it, when people act like nothing just happened after you had a fight. He had again pulled my hair harshly and I was, still am, mad about that. Because after he had let go of my hair he didn't apologized or had an apologetic expression on his face. He had just fixed my hair and acted like the incident that took place before that had never happened.

I really can't stand when people do that, if you just come out of a fight you should apologize for the things that had happened, but instead he didn't say anything and acted like he was a good brother towards me. All he could have said was a small 'sorry', but he didn't and that made me irritated, not to forget to mention that my period made it worse.

The whole car ride I was sitting on his lap and was staring around me, most of the time out of the window while looking at trees that we were passing by and looking at the other cars that were on the highway. But when you looked around in the car, you could see Seokjin who is focused on driving, Namjoon was reading a book, Yoongi had fallen asleep as soon as he had taken a seat, Jimin had also fallen asleep and had rested his head on Hoseoks shoulder, who also was asleep and Taehyung was busy playing a shooting game on his phone.

In the ride Jungkook had also fallen asleep and had laid his head back on the headrest behind him. I wasn't complaining about the quietness in the car because I could just stair out of the window and enjoy the silence, which was something interrupted by shooting sounds coming from Taehyungs phone on the background.

But when we only had a few minutes left Seokjin started speaking up, which made everyone wake up. "We are almost there, so wipe away your drool before we arrive". He said as the sleeping boys awaken.

I was still looking outside of the window and looking at an expensive black car driving next to us, which was followed by another expensive car. It were two black Porsche 718 cayman with tinted windows. I have seen these cars before at my old school, my old teacher who didn't look like the type who would teach uninterested teenagers about the history of the fallen wall in Germany owned a car like these. Everyone used to watch him as he drove up on the parking lot in the too expensive car for a teacher. The cars have now been driving next to us for the past few minutes, I suppose they are also heading the same way as we do.

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