3. Jacket thief

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Yesterday I came home late from work and went straight to bed after I took a warm shower.

After I woke up, I got myself ready and went to my first two classes of the morning and right now I'm eating in the cafeteria with my new friends while they were telling stories about their childhood. "...So I took my flashlight and ran away". Suho told a story about how she saw a monster once when she went out camping with her family. "And that is the reason I'm never going to camping again". She ended het story.

"Really you just took the flashlight and left without anything to protect yourself with?!". I laughed at her story.

"Yeah, but I wasn't thinking straig-". Suho got cut off when we suddenly heard a loud noice in the cafeteria.

We all turned around to the source of the sound. "Say that again!". We saw an angry Jimin holding a boy's head down on a table. "I said, SAY THAT AGAIN!". he shouted again and he slammed the boys's head a few times against the table. Everybody in the cafeteria are now looking at the two boys with a shocked expression.

Only the 6 other brothers were looking pleased at Jimin's action.

"I- I'm... S-sorry..". the boy said, while blood dripped from his head.

"If I ever see you around me again I'm not gonna stop here!". Jimin said and slammed the boys head one more time on the table before leaving the boy alone. Jimin then looked around the cafeteria with eyes that could kill everybody if he would look at you. "What are you staring at! It's not the first time you have seen this!". He shouted. Everybody looked away and started talking again. Jimin scanned the cafeteria one more time, until his gaze landed on me. He looked at me with a small grin for a quick second and then started walking to the table where the rest of the brothers were sitting at.


"Why did Jimin stare at you like that?". I heard Ye-jun ask as I focused my attention back to the table I'm sitting at.

"I- I don't know". I answered him. "Uhm. I need to go to the bathroom and then I will go to class. You guys don't have to wait for me". I told them and took my tray of food with me. I threw my whole tray of food away, because I didn't have an appetite to eat anything and then left to go to the bathroom.

When I was done using the bathroom I looked at my phone and saw that class starts in 5 minutes. None of my friends are in this period, so I will be sitting alone unfortunately.

I put my phone in my pocket again and then made my way towards the classroom. When I walked into the chemistry classroom there where already a few people inside.

I wanted to take a seat but I got stoped by a pair of hands that were placed around my waist and then I heard a voice. "I want to sit next to you". I looked behind me and saw the one and only Kim Jungkook (A/N all the BTS members have the family name Kim.)

My eyes widened when I saw him standing behind me. "Sorry, I rather sit alone". I told him. He just kept looking at me with a straight face and then I felt one hand leave my waist. He took my bag with his free hand and with the hand that was still around my waist he pushed me to another table in the back of the classroom. "I said, I rather sit alone". I told him again.

"I didn't ask". He said while pulling out the chair for me. What's going on right now?

"I'm not gonna sit here". I told him. He just sighed and pushed me down on the stool. I was about to stand up again but he just gave me a deathly glare so I decided to stay seated.

Jungkook took the seat next to me and looked to the frond of the classroom. "I'm Jungkook by the way". He said still looking at the front of the classroom.

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