56. Delicious bait

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"This is ridiculous". Hoseok scoffed as everyone looked his way. "I'm not going to apologize to someone pathetic like her, it's not like she is the innocent person here". Hoseok said absurd.

He just what?! He did not just call me pathetic.

"That pathetic person also happens to be helping you out, asshole". Chaesoo suddenly said. "If you only see her like that, you might as well be the bait yourself". She said, standing in between me and Hoseok while crossing her arms.

This is why I became friends with her as a child. She always becomes confident for me when I can't and I become confident for her when she can't, we keep each other up.

"Who are you to interfere with our business?". Hoseok snorted. "This is our business, not yours. So shut your pretty mouth now because I'm not afraid to throw you out of this apartment this very second". He said as he pushed her away.

Chaesoo snorted back. "Who are you to treat her this way!?". She screamed at him. "I don't care who you are but nobody is going to treat my friend as a piece of sh*t!". She said getting in between us again.

"You know it's better to shut your mouth sometimes". Hoseok said as he cracked his neck.

"Same counts for you". She said, putting him back in his place.

I saw Hoseok clench his jaw as his hands turned into fists.

Chaesoo's attitude didn't fall good on Hoseok's side as he came closer to her, looking at her with angry eyes. I quickly came into action and pulled Chaesoo besides me. "Let him be". I told her. It's not the time for a discussion, even tho Hoseok needs to be but in place.

"Let him be!?". She screamed. "Let him be and letting him get away with this!?". She asked madly at me for letting him talk badly about me like that. "Why didn't you tell me about how they were treating you?! I would've thrown hands if I knew sooner". She said, getting her arm out of my grip. "You shouldn't get treated like a puppet". She told me.

She doesn't know everything that has happened between us. I haven't told her, I didn't want her to react like this and I didn't want to pull back the memories I had.

"I'm not a puppet, I do what I want myself". I assured her.

"Well it doesn't look like it. Tell me honestly, do you want to be the bait?". She asked. "Or did you get forced?". She asked me.

She's right, I'm not doing it willingly, I'm still getting played by them...

I'm just a dumb toy they can play around with whenever they want, I'm a simple push over in their eyes.

I'm always just too naive to see it, I always fall for the 'changes' they make but they are turning back to their normal selves as soon as I fall for it.

"You're right... But this time I'm doing it for myself". I said. "So please just let it go, I'm not doing this for them". I said as I then got out of the circle we were standing in.

"If he doesn't want to apologize it's his decision". I said as I tied my hair in a low ponytail. "I deserve better then him anyways". I said underneath my breath.

"So the plan is again". I said as I turned around towards the boys. "I need to act like I'm going to betray you guys after we got into a fight, make my way into Mr Lee's territory, Mr Kim will get informed by his man inside of Mr Lee's territory and the rest you guys will take care of, right?". I asked telling the plan in short to see if I remembered the plan correctly.

"That's correct". Namjoon said.

"Good, then let's start this". I said as I walked out of my bedroom, leaving them in silence.

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