Moving in

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Author POV

Life has never given you any happiness. Your family is toxic and abusive. You've gone through a lot since your childhood. But in this unhappy life if there's someone who makes you happy, it's your best friend, Hana. She's your childhood bestie. You trust her more than yourself and love her more than your own sister. She knew about your problems. But she suffers from a mental problem called delusion. She imagines unrealistic things and thought that they were real.

She lived with her boyfriend Kim Taehyung. You heard about him a lot but never met him. You knew that he was a very caring boyfriend. She met him at a bar and he fell for her at first sight. But she had a mafia boyfriend, who wasn't a good guy at all. But she trusted him blindly. Taehyung saved her from him and brought her to stay at his home.

Anyways, your conditions were worsening day by day. Your family's tortures were getting beyond your tolerance. You wanted to end your life. But Hana told you to come and stay at her place and later when you find a home, you can move there. So, you packed up all your belongings and went to her house.

[At Hana's house]

You knocked on the door. The door opened revealing Hana. "Hey!" she said and pulled you in for a hug. She moved aside and said, "Come in." You went inside and looked around. You saw Taehyung sitting on the couch. He turned around and looked at you. "Give me your bag. I'll keep it in your room. You go talk to Tae." she said. She took your suitcase and took it to the guest room. You made your way to the living room and sat on the sofa infront of Taehyung. Hana came back from your room. "Y/N this is Tae. And Tae, this is my best friend Y/N." She said. Then she explained your whole story to him. He couldn't help but feel sorry for you. "I'm so sorry for you." Taehyung said. "Don't be. It's not your fault. Maybe happiness just isn't in my destiny." you said with a sad smile. "Hey, don't think like that. You'll find happiness, too. And if you can't find it, create your own." he said. You nodded.

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