His proposal

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Taehyung POV

Y/N said I should find someone better. But I already have. Y/N. She's way better than Hana. Maybe I should finally stop forcing myself with Hana.

I'm in love with Y/N. And when I heard Hana wants to end this relationship, I wasn't really surprised. It wasn't that unexpected.

I used to think Hana would forget her past and accept me in her life. But I was wrong. Now, I decided to listen to my heart now. I'll do what I want to do.

Author POV

You never talked to them about their relationship. You thought it would be crossing the boundaries. You didn't see any progress in their situation. Taehyung always tried his best but Hana was cold as ice.

Anyways, it had been more than a week since Jungkook proposed you. You still didn't give him an answer.

He never pressurized you. He would always have a friendly talk with you. He was ready to give you all the time you needed. He would often ask you out on a date and you would go with him.

But you gradually started losing feelings for him. Before his one word was enough to make your heart flutter. But now you just felt restlessness.

And unknowingly you caught feelings for Taehyung. You really tried to bury your feelings but everyday they just grew stronger.

You couldn't even play around with Jungkook anymore. You didn't want to lead him on because there's no future of your relation with him.

But you weren't able to reject him. You didn't want to break his heart.

One day, you were at work. It was almost lunch time. Taehyung walked into the cafe. You saw him and went to him.

"Hey! What a surprise!" you said. "I was passing by. So, I thought I would just pay you a visit." he replied. "It's almost lunch time. You wanna have lunch together?" you said. "Yeah." he said.

You both went to a restaurant. There weren't a lot of people there. You both had lunch and Taehyung finally seemed happy after a long time.

Then he dropped you back at the cafe. "See you at home, Tae." "See ya." he said and left. Spending time with him sure made your day.

[Next day]

Taehyung told you to meet him in the afternoon. So, you finished your work early and went to meet him.

[At the park]

As soon as you reached the park, you started looking for Taehyung. You saw him standing at a distance. His back was facing you. "Taehyung!" You called out his name as you waved making him turn around. You made your way to him. He looked really nervous.

"Why did you call me to the park all of a sudden?" you asked. But he didn't respond. After a few seconds, he finally spoke up, "Umm...... Y/N, actually I something really important to tell you. I don't know if this is right or not but I can't hide my feelings for you anymore. I love you, Y/N."

You couldn't believe your eyes and ears. You were happy to find out that he loves you too.

But then the thought of Hana came in your mind. You can't betray your best friend. Your head started to feel heavy and dizzy and your eyes started to get watery.

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