You and I

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Author POV
[The next day]

You were working on your computer. Taehyung wasn't in the office yet. So, you were a bit relieved.

A person came in the office. Noticing you, the person called out, "Y/N!" You turned around to see the person you never expected to meet again.


"Hey! Y/N!" she called again.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to meet Taehyung."


"I'm getting married to Jay next week. So, I came here to invite him."

"You're getting married?"

"Yeah. What about you and Taehyung? When are you two getting married? It's been over a year."

"Uhm... Actually... We're not together.."

"What? Why? I thought you both loved each other so much."

"I betrayed you. I ruined your relationship. I lost my best friend. I felt guilty and I decided to go away from  both your lives.

But look at fate, it led us back to each other."

"What? No. You didn't ruin my life. Because of you I was finally free. That day, he broke up with me. And I could finally get back with Jay. You're not a home wrecker, Y/N. You helped me. I never had any grudges against you. And Taehyung really loves you. You should definitely be with him."

"But I'm scared. You know how much I've suffered in the past. I don't wanna end up being hurt again."

"Y/N, Taehyung is the best guy you could find. He would never hurt you. We were never meant for each other, that's why we didn't work out. He was crazy after you left him. Fate is giving you another chance. Don't lose it this time."


Now, I realized that I was wrong all along. Taehyung is my everything. I caused him a lot of pain but now, I'll fix everything.

"Thanks, Hana. I have to go talk to Tae now."

"No, it's okay."

I left Hana to look for him. I asked everyone about him. But nobody knew. I tried calling his number but it was switched off.

Where is he?

Suddenly, I get a call. It was Taehyung's number.

[On the phone]

Y/N: Hello? Tae?

???: Hello? Are you miss Y/N?

Y/N: Yes....?

???: I found Taehyung unconscious on the street. Can you please come and pick him up?

Y/N: Tell me the address. I'm coming.

???: XXX.

I immediately ran out of the building and hired a taxi. I went to the address the person gave me. I was literally a mess.

As soon as I reached the building, I went to the 7th floor as the person said. On the 7th floor, I saw an apartment. I quickly ran into the apartment looking for Taehyung. Surprisingly the door was open.

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