My boyfriend??

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Author POV
[The next morning]

You woke up in the morning. You did your morning routine and went to the kitchen. You saw Taehyung was already there with breakfast. "Good morning." he said. "Morning." you replied. "I made breakfast. Come, sit. Have some." he said.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. "I'll go check it out. It must be Hana." you said and went to the door. When you opened it, your eyes widen in shock and fear. It was your brother standing outside the door.

"You thought you could escape from us? You think we'll let you go this easily?" he said. You started trembling. You were about to close the door but he stopped it with his hand. He started walking towards you with great anger and hatred. You started walking back.

"Taehyung!" you called out. Taehyung came to the living room. "Excuse me, who are you?" he asked your brother. You ran over to him and hid behind him. Taehyung was confused but he knew that guy was bothering you.

"Help me, Tae." you said in a low voice. "So, is this your boyfriend?" your brother asked. You couldn't speak. "Yes, I am her boyfriend. If you have a problem talk to me." Taehyung said. You were shocked at his words. He's your best friend's boyfriend. How can he say that he's your boyfriend! "It's none of your business." your brother said. He grabbed your hand and said, "Come, let's go home." He started pulling you towards the door. You struggled to free yourself from him but he was too strong for you. "Leave me!" you said. But he wouldn't let you go. Suddenly, Taehyung grabbed your other hand and your brother couldn't pull you any further.

"Didn't you hear what she said? Leave her!" Taehyung said giving him a death glare. Taehyung freed you from his grip and said, "Leave my house right now or else I'll call the cops!" Taehyung said.

"I'm leaving now but don't think you'll get away." your brother said before leaving."Get out!" Taehyung yelled at him. Taehyung locked the door after your brother left.

You broke down into tears and started sobbing loudly. You sat down on the floor, wrapped your hands around your knees and just cried. Taehyung kneeled down in front of you and patted your shoulder. You looked up at him. He pulled you up and made you sit on the sofa.

"Let it all out, Y/N. Let it all out." he said as he held your shoulders. You stopped crying after a while. "Come, let's have breakfast. You must be hungry. And don't go to work today. You need rest." Taehyung said as he was going to the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry." you said. "Y/N, you'll fall sick if you don't eat properly. Have something at least." You couldn't refuse him. So you went to the dining table and had breakfast.

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