Our happy ending

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"Taehyung, are you here? Hello? Anybody home?" I said.

Why are there candles here? And why are the lights off? Strange.

I started looking for the light switch. Suddenly, I felt someone grabbing my waist from behind. I gasped and was about to scream but he shut my mouth with his other hand.

I struggled to free myself. But he was way too strong. He spun me around to face him. I was surprised seeing Taehyung. I was trying to speak but his hand muffled all the sounds.

"Don't worry. It's just me." he said.

He removed his hand from my mouth. I almost yelled at him, "Kim Taehyung, you bloody....!!!!! I almost died in tension! I thought something happened to you!"

"If I told you to come and meet me directly, would you have come?" he said. I stayed quiet cause, he wasn't wrong.

"But does it mean you'll give me a heart attack!! You should be thankful that I haven't killed you yet! Cuz it was your birthday yesterday. And whose house is this?", I spoke up after a few seconds.

"It's my new apartment."

"Why did you call me here?"

"About that......" he paused and took out a velvet box from his pocket. He opened the box and I saw a diamond ring inside. "Y/N, will you marry me?"

I was jungshook. My brain stopped working.

"I-I... I don't have think.."

"Umm... What?"

I mentally slapped myself.

Fuck me! Why can't you talk normally? You're so dumb, Y/N!

"Why are you proposing me all of a sudden?" I asked with a confused look.

What! Why am I saying that? Can't believe I just said that.

It was me talking, but also not me talking.

"Y/N, you know the answer. I love you more than anything. The first time I met you, I couldn't even imagine that you'd become such an important part of my life. I really admire you from the time I met you.

You deserve the whole world. I know you're scared cause you don't want to be hurt again. But this time, I won't let you get hurt again. I promise. So, Y/N, will you give me another chance?"

I tried to speak but only weird sounds came out from my mouth which I can only describe as asthma attacks.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes! I will marry you!" I finally managed to say.

He put the ring on my finger and immediately pulled me in a bone crushing hug."Really?" he asked. "Really. But Tae, you're killing me. I have to stay alive in order to marry you." I said.

"Sorry, I got too excited."

"It's okay. But how did you plan all of this?"

"Actually, today I met Hana. I told her about everything. And asked for her help. I asked her to explain you everything. And meanwhile, I prepared all of this."

"She was involved with you in this, too!" I was jungshook for the second time.

"Mhmm. Now that you're my fiance, we can do it, right?" he said with a smirk.


"You know exactly what I'm talking about, babygirl."

"No. Not. I'm god.. I mean good..."

We both chuckled. "So, wanna cuddle?" he asked.


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