Hana's truth

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Author POV

Everything started getting normal now. You live with Hana and Taehyung. Taehyung and you get along quite well. Your job is well paying. So, you don't have any financial problems. You haven't contacted your family for a while. You almost forgot about them. And Jungkook got quite close to you. You guys often hang out together. And you don't think of him just as a "friend". He's more than that.

Hana POV

My parents are gonna visit today. I got all ready and was waiting for them to come. Y/N was at work. Taehyung was playing video games. I heard the door bell ring. And I knew that it was them. I opened the door, let them inside and started talking.
"How are you, dear?" my mom asked. "Mom, dad, I can't live with Taehyung anymore. He's really nice but I love someone else. I wanna be with him." I said. "What are you saying! Taehyung loves you so much! Do you even realize that? He saved you from that mafia guy. He accepted you even after knowing about your mental problems. And he took care of you." my parents said. "Don't say that about him! I love Jay. So what if he's a mafia? He loves me a lot. And Taehyung forced me into this relationship." I said. "Shut up! Taehyung is the best choice for you and don't ever say that mafia's name again. He's not your boyfriend, Taehyung is." my parents said. I was about to say something but suddenly Taehyung showed up. So we changed the topic.

[Time skip]

After my parents left, I went to my bedroom and cried. I don't love Taehyung. He keeps me like his prisoner. I I want to go back to Jake but I can't. Taehyung and I don't share any kind of romantic relationship. I never even let him lay a finger on me. Nobody listens to me. Not even my parents. Everybody thinks I'm crazy. Taehyung even snatched my phone so that I can't contact Jay. Even though our relationship isn't working out, we don't show it to anybody. I even tried to escape from here but Taehyung caught me.

I once talked to Jay after a lot of effort. He said he's looking for the perfect opportunity. So that we can escape. We'll go far away from here and start a new life there. I still remember his words.
I miss you, Jay. Where are you?

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