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Author POV
[One day]

You were cleaning the cafe in the evening. All the customers had left. It was closing time soon. You were standing on a stool cleaning a shelf. Jungkook was wiping a table behind you.
"Y/N?" Jungkook said. "Hmm?" you replied turning around face him. "Do you wanna come for a sleepover at my house? I mean if you want....." he said. "A sleepover? Today?" you asked. He nodded in response. "Ok, kook. I'll just go call Hana and tell her that I won't be coming home tonight." you said.
Jungkook showed you his bunny smile. You went to your bag, took out your phone and called Hana.

"Hey, Hana, I won't be coming home tonight. So don't wait for me." you said. "Why? Where are you going?" Hana asked with a concerned voice. "I'm going to have a sleepover at kook's." you replied. "From when did you start calling him kook? And you two are having a sleepover? Sounds more like a date." she said teasingly. "Hana!" you yelled at her. "I think he likes you and you like him too." she said. "SHUT UP!" you quickly hung up the call getting all flustered.

You came back to Jungkook. "What happened?" Jungkook asked. "Nothing. We can leave if you're finished. Is your work done?" you said.
"Yeah, let's go." he said. You both closed the cafe and went to his house.

[At Jungkook's house]

You both freshen up. Then you watch a movie together while eating. Soon you fell asleep on his shoulder.

Jungkook POV

I saw her sleep like a baby on my shoulder. Her mouth was wide open. I closed her mouth. I turned the TV off, picked her up bridal style and took her to my guest room. She was mumbling strange things in her sleep.

"Don't let it get away...... " she mumbled and started snoring. I chuckled at her behavior. I laid her down on the bed and tucked her in. I was was about to leave but she held my hand and said, "Hey, look. I found this bunny. Can I keep it?" she again said in her sleep and wrapped her arms around me.

I let out a chuckle. I laid down beside her without removing her hands. And admired her.

I like her since the very first time we met. But I never had the courage to tell her. I don't know if she likes me or not. I don't wanna ruin our friendship.

[The next morning]
Author POV

Your eyes flicker open. You wake up like you do everyday. You let out a yawn and to your surprise, you saw Jungkook sleeping beside you.

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