Bad memories

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Author POV

[The next day]

It was Sunday. So, you didn't have to go to work. Hana went to her parents' house. So, you were alone with Taehyung. You both played video games, talked for hours and cooked dinner together.

While cooking, you accidentally hit an old wound on your hand. You groaned in pain. Taehyung quickly walked over to you and asked, "What happened? Are you ok?" "Nothing. I just accidentally hit my arm."

"Show it to me." Taehyung said and grabbed your hand. You quickly pulled it away cause you're afraid he'll see your scars which were caused by your family.
You signaled him to stop with your hand. But your sleeve rolled up and he could see a scar.

"What's that?" he asked curiously. "Nothing." you said as you averted your gaze. He could tell that you were lying. "Let me see." he said. He held your hand again. But this time you didn't pull it back. He pulled up your sleeve and widen his eyes in shock. Your arms were full of scars and the one that got hurt was bleeding.

"How did this happen?" he asked looking up at you. All of your past memories flashed back. Tears formed in your eyes  "It was them, my family. They used to torture me a lot both physically and mentally. One time my brother burned my hand with an iron just because I didn't listen to him." you said pointing at a scar on the back of your palm. "And this, this one was given to me by my own mom." you added while pointing at the bleeding scar.

Tears were rolling down your cheeks as you talked. Taehyung couldn't believe that your own family did that. He couldn't find the proper words.

"Come, I'll treat you." he said. He brought you to his room where the first aid kit was. He took the box and started to apply medicine on your wounds. You flinched in pain.

"Don't move or it'll hurt. " he said. He finished treating your wound. "Thanks, Tae. Thank you for everything you've done for me." "Don't thank me. I'm your friend. And friends help each other." He said looking into your eyes.

"Why can't I have a normal life like everyone else? Why does my family hate me so much? Am I that bad? I've always tried to love them but their behavior is out of my tolerance. They just don't want to accept me. If I told anyone about this, they would either make fun of me or say, 'How can you say like that about your own family?' 'That's still your family. You can't just leave them.' I'm sick of hearing this." you said and started to sob.

Taehyung POV

I felt so bad for her. I put my hands on her shoulder and said, "Don't listen to them. You did the right thing by leaving them. You're safe now. Y/N, you have a beautiful future ahead. Don't let your past ruin it. I'm always by your side."

I pulled her in my embrace to calm her down. I took her to her room and put her in bed. She stopped sobbing and finally fell asleep. I quietly left the room.

I don't know what's happening to me. She gives me butterflies in my stomach. Even Hana never made me feel this way. "Am I falling for her?" I thought. "But Hana's my girlfriend. I can't betray her."

Hana was my girlfriend. But she never gave me the love I needed. It always broke my heart. I can't even leave her. She's sick and needs someone to take care of her. And if I leave her, her mafia ex would ruin her life. Now, she's more like a responsibility to me, not love.

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