His birthday

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I came out from his cabin. I went back to my desk and pretended like nothing happened.

"Hey! What happened there?" Irene asked.

"Nothing. He just talked to me about work."

"Isn't he handsome? I wonder if he has a girlfriend?"

All the memories of the past year came back to my mind. Those moments that I was trying so hard to forget.

Does he have a girlfriend? Is he still with Hana? Why am I wondering all of this?

I decided to keep it all professional between us. I never talked to him unless it was really important. He tried to talk to me a few times but I always ignored him.

Author POV

BTW this is your dress:

It was Taehyung's birthday

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It was Taehyung's birthday. Everyone in office decided to throw him a surprise party.

"Y/N, do you know, it's Taehyung's birthday today." Jisoo said.

Of course, I know. How can I forget that?

"No." I replied.

"We're planning to throw him a party. And we need your help."

"Me? Why do you need me?"

"Come with me you'll find out yourself." Jisoo took your hand and dragged you to her desk where everyone else was standing.

"Ok, boss isn't here yet. So we can discuss the plan now.

So, today he has a meeting in the afternoon for 2 hours. So, we have to finish setting everything up before he comes back.

Me, Irene and Mina will take care of the food. The rest of you guys do the decorations. And Y/N, you'll stay with boss while he's in the meeting and bring him here. Also make sure he doesn't come back before we're finished." Jisoo said.

"What! I can't do that."

"Please, Y/N. We need your help." Irene said.

"Then why doesn't Irene do it? I'll stay at the office."

"Y/N, we know you're the only one who can do it. Boss always listens to you." Jisoo said.

Then everyone started forcing you. So you had to agree.

"Ok, fine guys. I'll do it."

They all started to cheer for you.

[Time skip to the afternoon]

You went to the meeting with Taehyung as planned. Everyone back at the office was making all the preparations for the party. The meeting was finished and you called Jisoo.

[On the phone]

Y/N: Are you guys done? We're finished. He's in the washroom. We'll leave for the office soon.

Jisoo: Great. We're almost done, too. Wait for my call. Don't let him in before I call you.

Y/N: OK. He's coming. I'll call you later. Bye.

You hung up the call. "Miss Y/N, I'm finished. Let's go." Taehyung said. "Ok, sir." you followed him out of the building.

You both got in his car and went to the office. The car ride was silent. You were waiting for Jisoo's call.

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