The new job

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Author POV

"Anyways, Y/N, you must be hungry. Come, let's have dinner together." Hana said. "Umm... Sure." you said and went with her. "Hana, can you help me find a job? I don't wanna burden you." you said while having dinner. "What! You don't have to. You're not burdening us." Hana said. "Please, I'll feel like a freeloader. Besides, I don't wanna depend on anyone." you said. "Ok, fine. My friend needs someone to help him at a cafeteria. I'll take you there tomorrow. " Hana said. "Thanks sis. "you replied.

[The next morning]

*knock knock* "Y/N, are you ready? We have to go. " Hana said. You opened your room's door and said, "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go." "Where are you going?" Taehyung came and asked. "I told you we're going for Y/N's job, remember?" Hana said. "Oh, ok." Taehyung replied. Hana went to the living room to put her shoes on. Taehyung whispered to you  "Please take care of her." You knew exactly what he meant. He doesn't leave Hana alone quite often because of her mental problem and her mafia ex. So, you had to be extra careful.

[At the cafe]

You pushed the door and entered the cafe. You followed Hana to the cafe's counter. You saw a guy wearing a white cap and a white T-shirt with a pair of blue jeans. "Hey, Jungkook!" Hana said. "Hi, Hana." he replied. "Is this your friend?" he added while looking at you. "Ah, yes. Y/N, this is Jungkook. The guy I told you about. And Jungkook, this is Y/N. She wants to do a job at your cafe." she said. "Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook." he said and extended a hand. You shook his hand and replied, "Hi, I'm Y/N. It's really nice to meet you." "So, you think you can start working from today?" he asked. "Yeah, sure." you replied. "Jungkook, please take care of her, ok? Anyways, I'm going now." Hana said. "Hana, wait. Can't you stay for a bit? " you said. "Don't worry, Y/N. Jungkook is a good guy. He'll take care of you." saying this Hana left.

The cafe was empty. Jungkook showed you around. He explained everything to you. Due to his friendly behavior you managed to learn everything quickly.

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